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Crawling Around My Ceiling


2002 my husband went to work out of town for about a week. Me and my daughters, ages five and seven at the time, were getting ready to sleep.

From the room that I was sleeping in, you could see the living room. In one of the corners, I used to see this shadow person that would always try until get my attention. Anyways I had seen it that night waving its shadow arms from side to side as if it was trying to get my attention. I was so used to seeing it I just ignored it.

My daughters were already asleep and I was fixing to lay next to them when my dog came and laid down first. I flip the TV on and turned the volume down and was getting very sleepy. I could still see the shadow trying to get my attention when all of the sudden, I seen it stop waving its arms and I got this feeling of fear and dread. My dog starts barking and shaking and focusing on the ceiling in the living room but would not leave the bed. I laid there still as possible and with my peripheral vision, I could see this black thing crawling really fast on the ceiling. The other shadow was still there and was still too. All of the sudden, I seen it poke its head out and looked at me, all I could see was black fog. But you could tell it had control of it.

Anyways, it was running around the ceiling for like three minutes. The longest three minutes of my life. My dog would not take his eyes off this thing. Once the feeling of dread left the room, I knew it was gone. The other shadow stated again with the waving.

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vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-23)
Well, aside from the time that the "teacher" wasted of your life... Your story sounds interesting. It sounds like the beginning of a good book. Should have read it at night.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-10)
Hi Chookie - thanks for your post. I'm intrigued as to how casual and unafraid you are about the waving shadow figure in your living room when you wrote:

"I used to see this shadow person that would always try until get my attention. Anyways I had seen it that night waving its shadow arms from side to side as if it was trying to get my attention. I was so used to seeing it I just ignored it"

Personally, that alone would give me a feeling of fear and dread! Did your dog not ever acknowledge / bark at this waving thing?

It appears from your recount that the constantly waving shadow figure doesn't seem to disturb you at all, but this second one crawling around on your ceiling does?

Sorry to sound confused, but have you attempted to communicate with the waving figure at all? What kind if "vibe" to you get from it?

Do you see other spirits / entities other than the waving one?


Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-10)
Greetings, Chookie.

My primary concern is the lack of clarity both in your pronouns and in your possessive pronouns; if I'm misreading what you intended, then I'm afraid that my advice/observations will be of limited use to you. First, I'm going to look at your description of the entities' behaviors. [Please forgive my corrections; I'm an English teacher, so occasionally clarifying the words or adjusting the punctuation helps me to understand what any writer intended to communicate.]

You state that you had "seen it stop waving its arms and I got this feeling of fear and dread. My dog start[ed] barking[,] shaking[,] and focusing on the ceiling in the living room but would not leave the bed. I [lay] there still as possible and[,] with my peripheral vision, I could see this black thing crawling really fast on the ceiling. The other shadow was still there and was still too. All of [a] sudden, I [saw] it poke its head out and [look] at me[;] all I could see was black fog. But [I] could tell it had control of it." Your description, and your understandable fear are very clear. However, the line about the black fog mystifies me: "All of [a] sudden, I [saw] it poke its head out and [look] at me[;] all I could see was black fog. But [I] could tell it had control of it." Was the black fog the ceiling-crawling entity poking its head down and toward you? Was it the tv-lurking familiar entity who had disguised himself/herself but was trying to get you to focus on something other than the ceiling? Was the black fog a demonstration of the ceiling entity's control over the tv waving spirit, or vice-versa? I'm afraid that "it had control of it" is not a helpful a statement when dealing with two entities and two phenomena (ceiling crawling and fog).

With your indulgence, I'll make a note or two of a more helpful nature, in anticipation of your clarification of the pronouns I've brought to your attention. Spirits of deceased humans are capable of a great many peculiar behaviors, adjustments to their appearance, effects upon the human mind/body -especially true of 'sensitives,' and interactions with the physical world. I have yet to read, see, or hear an account in which a ceiling-crawling entity was a human spirit which was exerting its own will. Occasionally I've read or heard of spirits being forced to run on the walls or the ceiling by a dominant spirit or entity in order to disturb human beings, but the primary source of such behaviors has always been non-human entities. I strongly suggest that you consider flowersgrowback's statement that "the poor waving one... (is) stuck," and consider giving him/her your permission to "go to the light," to leave, to go to the afterlife, to ascend to the higher plane, or whatever it is that spirits do once they've stopped haunting people. For the other entity, however, I strongly recommend a cleansing ritual (there's a reliable one on Rookdygin's homepage), though if it is able to manifest itself visibly, control another entity, and terrorize both you and your dog, I'd give serious thought to consulting your minister/priest/pastor about a house blessing or a full-on exorcism. If you are not religious, seek a medium, a shaman, or similar holy person (who won't call 911 suggesting that you be institutionalized under heavy sedation!) to perform his/her tradition's equivalent ritual to banish evil entities. If your property's history suggests it was seized from a Native American tribe, then that's the sort of Medicine Man I'd look for first.

Note: Depending upon where you are in Texas, your property could have been settled by Mexicans who stole it from (or slaughtered) Native Americans, but who fought to defend it against white illegal immigrants who stole it from them and declared it a republic, followed by a decade of warfare, border skirmishes, and civil unrest until the fraction of Texas which hadn't been sold off the the U.S. Congress (to bolster the Republic's free-falling economy) was allowed to apply for statehood, because the Mexican war seemed to be over... This sequence of events opens up possibilities such as a Native Medicine Man's death curse, a Brujo's or Bruja's releasing of a malevolent spirit to provoke the settlers, the practice of a Voodoo summoning by enslaved -and understandably resentful- Islanders/Africans, or a predatory entity drawn to the location through the centuries of warfare and death.

Sorry to lay all of that history out there for you, but you know where your home is better than anyone, and I'm presuming that -Texans being proud of their history- your local librarian has information on the town's history, or knows whom you may call in the Historical Society to narrow the field of possibilities. Either way, I recommend that you get this darker spirit out of your home as soon as possible, and set up a prayerful defense perimeter to prevent it from re-entering with vengeance in mind.

It may be helpful to keep a journal, also, trying to pin down the dates and times of any previous activity as best as possible (noting that they're guesses as to time), and to keep track of any new phenomena which arise. Adding to this journal may seem daunting, but as the number of occasions and the details of the events begin to increase, you'll find that others have a much more difficult time dismissing your claims and will be more willing to help you.

I wish you the best of luck with this, and I would stress again that this is not an occasion for delay "to see what happens next." I seriously wouldn't try to tackle something like this entity on your own.

Take care,

P.S.: One last thought! If you are a religious person, invite people from your church to your home for a weekly coffee-and-prayer evening, beginning with a request for everyone to bless/sanctify the house before praying for the needs of the attendees.
Chookie (2 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-10)
And move like that, I mean that it stopped moving to warn me... Glad it did warn me. Sometimes, I still wonder who it was... How'd it get there...
Chookie (2 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-10)
I believe your right, it has been there since I moved in. That was the first time it actually moved like that. It did move to the hall, that was right of the living room door way. And it would do the same thing. That day, it was were I could see it...
flowersgrowback (5 stories) (22 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-09)

The waving shadow could be one looking for help and attention. There's a possibility that the ceiling shadow is very dominating and kind of ruling over the poor waving one. The waving one could be warning you, like Raven said. And it could be saying a kind of, "Help! Help! You see me, right? I'm stuck over here!"
RavenAngelvX (2 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-09)
Maybe the waving shadow was trying to get your attention to warn you about the ceiling shadow. Creepy.

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