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Locked In!


Another story just came into my mind about the residential home I worked in. This one was scarier, for me personally, than the first.

I always worked the late shift due to family commitments. I was alone on my unit and it was getting to the end of the shift so I was making sure the kitchen and sitting room areas were tidy, ready for the next day. Suddenly my buzzer went off on the emergency signal. Checking it quickly I saw it was on my unit and it was the room at the bottom of the corridor.

I broke into a fast walk/jog and as the door was already half open and the night light on, I peered inside. Sure enough the emergency light was on but the resident was sound asleep in bed. Three coworkers arrived at that moment an we all agreed, after checking the resident, that he was fine and must have pulled the cord turning over in his sleep. I turned off the alarm and left.

I had barely gotten halfway back up the corridor when it sounded the emergency signal again. I walk/jogged back to the room to find the resident in the same position asleep. My team leader decided the alarm must need new batteries and immediately changed them for fresh ones.

I completed my tasks, did my final room check and was gathering my things together when yet again, the emergency alarm sounded for the same room.

I started to walk back and decided the alarm must have a fault. I crept back into the room and turned it off again, no one came to assist this time as they were all assuming the same as myself, the alarm was faulty.

As I turned to the door to exit, the door slowly started to close. As I watched, the lock slowly turned, locking me inside the room!

May I just say at this point, the doors can only be locked via a key (kept in the teamleader's office) or by turning the little button on the inside of the handle, this button was turning as I looked at it.

I ran towards the door and felt the hairs on my neck stand up, grabbed the door handle and twisted. It was locked. I then tried to turn the little button to unlock it. It wouldn't turn. Whether in my panic I didn't grasp it correctly, I don't know but I felt very panicky and yelled "Just open the door!"

I watched shaking as the button slowly turned releasing the lock, then I flew out of the room up to the office. I started to explain what had happened to the teamleader when the emergency signal sounded again! I told her "I think it's your turn to deal with it! Am not going back in there tonight!"

The next day I found out it continued to happen at intervals throughout the night although no one else got locked in. The alarm was checked by an engineer who couldn't find a fault.

I don't know why whatever it was decided to lock me in but I'm pleased to say it didn't happen again!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Angelkiss, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-21)
Hi jane
Thanks for your comments
Look forward to reading your story
jane_lee (4 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-21)
Hi Angelkiss... I enjoyed your story very much... In fact it reminds me of an experienced I had in my old workplace eight years ago but yours is creepier... I will write and share my story shortly 😁
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Not all hospitals are haunted. I volunteered in one when I was a teenager and new to the paranormal, so I wasn't in tune with my abilities. Years later I landed a job in a prestigious hospital, it beat making drill bits 😆. At that time I was very much in tune with my abilities as a psychic/medium also quite often empath. I never felt any spirits lingering, and part of my job was to go from room to room looking for equipment. Yes I did see a couple of spirits of someone who just died but they were ready to cross over wihout any regrets and looked very happy.

Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-17)
Hi Rook
I appreciate your insights on this
The door lock was checked and found to be fine, it was one of the first things I asked to be checked, being health and safety aware as a lot of the residents are vulnerable adults. As far as I am aware there were no leaks or faults in the room or close to the room, no structural issues or electrical issues that I'm aware of. All the rooms in the building were subject to regular inspections due to the nature of the people living there.
Of course there could be somethin I missed or wasn't aware of at the time.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-17)

Glad to hear the resident was Healthy and remained that way. I just wondered what may have been 'special' about that room in particular.

The other thing that comes to mind are other 'Hazards' like; was the door lock faulty? Was there a leak of some sort either in or near that room; or any number of other potential hazards come to mind.

One fact of this experience stands out, it wasn't 'random' tapping, alarms 'here and there'. This was very localized and just struck me as 'someone' wanted to draw attention to that area and or individual... You have ruled out the individual... How about the area?

Thank you.


Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
Hi Rook
Thanks for your comments
The resident of the room was a very healthy individual and I did check on him each time I entered the room. I'm reasonably sure he didn't have any ailments in the ensuing weeks either, he continued to be quite active and reasonably healthy until he passed three years after these incidents
But as you say it could have been the cause of the incidents with the door and alarm
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
Here is a question... I understand that the individual in the room was sleeping peacefully however did they come down with an illness soon after this incident? As creepy as it was 'someone/something' seems to have gone to great lengths to draw attention to that particular room. Locking you in may have been an attempt to have you focus on the sleeping individual rather than worry about the alarm possibly malfunctioning.

Just a thought I had...Doesn't make it LESS creepy, but it is a possibility.


Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
Hi and thanks for your comments
I think that because of the amount of people passing in one particular place there will always be something lingering on in these kind of establishments. Makes for an interesting albeit unnerving aspect to the job though! 😉
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-16)
Thanks for your comments
As I had to work there I had to try an put it to the back of my mind but I was very jumpy when working on that unit especially after dark! 😆
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Hello and welcome to you.

I really enjoyed your story. Clear and concise with enough info to get a good mental picture. I have heard it said many times that hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted care living are some of the most haunted places that exist.
Perhaps someone else was checking on your resident also.
Anyway, I love these types of stories. Short and sweet but enough to give you a good scare.
Again, welcome
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Greetings, Angelkiss, and welcome aboard.

While your story was well-paced and fascinating, I'd like to comment on one of your responses, if I may: "I have to admit the incident left me quite nervous for a few days!" I'd have been bloody PARANOID at that point! Noisy shoes in an empty corridor is unsettling, but ok; locking you into a patient's/resident's room is a whole different level of creepy behaviour!

On one positive note, the action may have been intended as a harmless prank, as it did unlock the door when you asked.

Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Hi Seraphina
Thanks for your comments
I have to admit the incident left me quite nervous for a few days!
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Hi, Angelkiss.
I enjoyed reading both of your stories. They are clear and detailed enough so, as a reader, I can follow you easily. The "Locked In" incident would have scared the socks off of anyone!
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-15)
Ashar123 thanks for your comment
I did try and reason it out and look for other explanations but simply couldn't find anything to explain it. I even asked the caretaker to check on the lock in case it was sticking but he said it was fine! Thankfully it didn't happen again!
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-14)
The alarm and the door are quite interesting. An interesting account by you.

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