My dad used to buy things from eBay then sell them at their actual price, one day he got this old Ouija board. Its box portrayed it as a game "fun for the whole family". None of my sisters played with it though and neither did I. Suddenly weird things happened though no one touched the board, it was just sitting in the garage.
One night was the first of many nights I woke at 3:04 am exactly. I woke up scared for no reason, no nightmare, nothing just scared with a bad feeling. I'd always just sit there awake and turn over and try to go back to sleep.
This first night, I turned over and tried to go back to sleep (as I would usually do for nights after this) but when I turned and laid my head on my pillow a moment after a man's voice said directly into the ear laying on the pillow but was clear as day "go back to sleep". I jumped up and woke my sister who shared a room with me crying and scared. I stayed up all night. My sister could not have been awake and the voice wasn't my dad's. No guy another than my dad lived with me.
Another day in the same house, I was watching a movie alone. I paused the movie and took the remote with me to the bathroom. When I came back to disc was out and place on the table next to the TV and the disc drive on the Xbox was open. And my room was a mess.
Another time in the same home, I left the kitchen and heard something behind me, when I turned I saw a man in a red shirt behind me though I heard no doors open. I ran from him and turned back around and he was gone.
My dad sold the board and we moved. I've had nothing paranormal happen since.
I'v accepted these into daily life and i'm pretty used to them. I still refuse to use Ouija boards. Instead of forgeting i've kind of just accept they exist.
Now I help others in situations like i've had by giving advice. I've even learned protection prayers for my sisters because they currently mess with oujia board investigating the paranormal in the same way I do because of our experiences. Thank you for your comments