My grandson is 2 years and 3 months. It all started after a suicide in the family, first things would randomly just fall over or off the table. First the TV would switch itself on, the decoder for satellite TV would be off, but TV would be on and satellite TV channel would be on children's channel, but the decoder would be off. Then a little tray just flew off the table, then the broom like kind of jumped out of the corner, falling right in front of his Mother. Then when he sleeps over he would be staring at the ceiling in my room, he sleeps in my bed with me. He would point and in Afrikaans he would say that there is a bug ("gogga"), and that it is huge and scary. He sleeps very bad, waking up several times at night. Turning and crying.
Last week Thursday evening was bad, he was hysterical and kept on saying that the fire in the bed was biting him. And that the "bug" has a knife. His Mom was sleeping in the spare bedroom, he only wanted to sleep there as the fire was biting him. He was swatting at his legs.
I had someone come and bless my home. It is quite now. Last night they were here again and he pointed into space in my room and this time he said that the big scary uncle is not there any more, and he pointed to the mirror and said that there is a hole and that's were the big uncle went. And that the big uncle can not get Granny's big knife anymore to hurt him or Granny. And that the fire cannot bite him anymore. He fell asleep as I was reading Psalm 23 to him.
But now there is a problem at his own home. He would shout out load at night and call his Mom and screams "come lay down with me". She would jump up run to his room and he would be sound asleep. This happens up to three times a night, not every night. Every time she goes to him, he is sound asleep in the same position he was before? His Dad has heard him scream out, so his Mom is not imaging this.
We are worried, has something attached to him? Is this something imitating his voice at night?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Only changes was the suicide of his Mom's cousin, and when family was here for funeral they stayed over at my house. My Father-in-law slept in my bed, which was his bed and my Mother-in-law passed away in that bed. He has remarried, this was the first time in 9 years that he slept in that bed.
By RedRaven5
There's similarities to your experiences with the children voices and prayer. Also those comments may help with your situation
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