I have only had one paranormal experience in my life, when I was in my early twenties and living with my aunt in California. This had to have been somewhere between twelve and fifteen years ago, I don't remember exactly.
My aunt's cat Prissy (short for Priscilla), who had been a beloved pet and a part of my aunt's life and mine for eight years at the time, had become very ill with feline infectious peritonitis and had to be put to sleep.
The day after this happened I went into my aunt's room and I very clearly saw Prissy's white-tipped black tail hanging down from beneath the closed curtain as though she was there sitting on the windowsill like she always used to do in life.
I suppose this could have been my mind playing tricks on me, but to this day I really believe that I saw her there. My heart instantly started beating very fast. I whispered Prissy's name then started crying and ran out of my aunt's room in a panic.
Looking back on it now I don't know why I was so frightened. I guess I was scared that she would respond to her name and would jump down from the windowsill and I would see a ghost instead of just a ghost's tail.
When I told my aunt what I saw she believed that I could have seen Prissy's spirit and she didn't think there was any reason to be scared.
Prissy never made an appearance in my aunt's room or in any room of the house after that.
I sometimes wish I hadn't run out of the room like that. If there really WAS a ghost cat in there I don't think she was trying to scare me. I think she must have been there to say goodbye. Or maybe she just wanted to look out her window one last time.
I'm sure if you poked about a bit on the site, you'd see that having a loved pet come around for a visit is not so unique. That reads odd, but is actually meant to be a comforting remark. Personally, I don't think it was wishful thinking on your part. As Tweed says "Treasure this moment'.