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My Dogs Barked, And I Saw Her Smile At Me


This incident is new to me. It happened a month ago (July 2016).

Short information about me and my new place: I have passed my 12th grade this year and appearing for my further studies in Mumbai itself. I don't own any house, me and my family stay in rent so we usually change from places to places. Now I stay in Panvel (Name of the place), Mumbai. I have shifted at this place on March 2016. This place is still developing and near my building, around two buildings away, there are cemeteries of Hindu, Muslims and also Christians.

When I shifted in this building, I was welcomed by 6 cute small puppies, and also their parents (They are stray dogs). They were just 3 or 4 months old and so cute that I always used to be with them. I named the dog family, Rani (Mother), Raja (Father), Ferangi, Guttu, Multu, (Girls pups) and Rocky, Bruno, Brownie (boys pups). But on May 2016, Guttu, Multu, and Rocky died in car accidents. I was very sad due to their death.

It was July month and my Exams were going on so, during my exams I reached home late, it was my last exam and I reached my Building premises around 8 at night. I thought to wait for my dad because he was reaching home in 15mins that time. So, I started playing with the dogs.

Ferangi was slightly biting me when she was distracted by something, her ears was up and she was looking at someone, she was looking straight to the bushes across the road, I asked her "what is it?" she looked at me and again started looking at the bushes, but I couldn't see anything, even every dog present over there was looking at same spot, and suddenly they all started groaning, all dog gathered in front of me like they were protecting me from someone, I was confused that what actually was going on there. That very moment the atmosphere changed and I started shivering I don't know why, I was having Goosebumps on my own, the air was different, and I started fearing. The dogs started barking and Bruno attacked someone in the air like someone was trying to do something that he didn't liked, but there was nothing, I was like "what the F**k are you all doing?"

That time something touched me and passed me, it was ice cold and I was having Goosebumps again. After that everything was normal; the atmosphere was good as it was before, my pups started playing again like nothing happened. Ferangi was rubbing her body against my leg but I was thinking what just happened. My dad arrived and I went to home.

At home I was just thinking what was all that about? Because it's obvious that dogs are not mad to bark or attack without reason. I had a feeling that it was something not human. First thing came to my mind was that cemeteries' near my building. Then I started thinking that is there any murder or accidents happened here? I thought to search about all this next morning and went to sleep.

I was deep in my sleep but some noise (like people fighting) woke me up, it was coming from the hall, I went searching, eyes almost close in sleep. I thought it was mom and dad but the hall was dark and silent, no noise at all, I went to their bedroom, they were sleeping peacefully. So, I thought it may be the neighbors. I lost my sleep, and I could really remember that time, because it was the worst night for me, it was 2:45am at midnight. I went to my bedroom balcony (I live in 14th floor, it's the last floor of my building) and I was relaxed. It was so silent and little cold climate, I could hear airplanes sound as it was passing above my building. And then, the clock of my room started ringing, It was 3 am. Suddenly I heard my dogs barking, and again they were doing the same things as they were doing before, (all the dogs were looking at the bushes, barking, groaning,) the atmosphere changed and I started fearing, I started looking in the bushes too, but this time, I saw her.

She was standing in the bushes, she was wearing white or she was white, I couldn't see properly because I was too up. But yes, she was white and her hairs were long and open. I was still, was I seeing this? And I felt she looked up at me and smiled, chills ran down my spine and I was having Goosebumps.

I next thing happened is that she disappeared. Atmosphere was normal again, my pups were going to sleep that time, but I, was still standing there in my balcony frozen. I was really crying and breathing heavily, I slowly whispered "Ferangi" I think she heard me, because she looked up at me and waved her tail, like she was saying me "everything is fine now, we are with you, you go to sleep." And she went to sleep. I smiled and went to my bed.

After that I didn't saw or felt anything like that ever.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, maggirockz13, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-19)
Oh my god this is such a beautiful story except the lady ghost. Dogs are the most precious animal, I almost felt tears when I read that some of them died in car accident. People drive like a blind. Our government should impose stricter law on these people. Thank god your beautiful canine friends were with you.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-11)
Hi Sonali,

Hope your every problems have been solved properly.
Welcome and if I find anything more about this experience, I will surely inform you.
And Sorry Wishing you a Very Happy Diwali Belated.

maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-11)
HI RedWolf,

Thanks for reading my story.
I do feel bad about the puppies. I miss them alot.
Well, I offer them treats everyday. Meat and rice are there fav food.
Animals really have a power hats off to them.

sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-30)
Hi Meghna,

Good to hear from you too 😁 I just got lost in my life's problems, that's why I took a break from this site. And thanks for answering my queries. And nah don't say thank you because it's my pleasure to help other posters here.

P.s Happy Diwali!

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)

I enjoyed your story very much. I am sorry that 3 of the puppies died in car accidents, I hope that they didn't suffer.
The remaining puppies did an admirable job in protecting you. They deserve extra treats.

Animals are very sensitive to the paranormal and also the normal. Some animals can also alert an owner of an epileptic seizure in the owner themselves or spouse or child before the seizure happens. Animals are truly are incredible creatures.

maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
Hi Rookdygin,
Thanks for reading my story.
Sorry for getting confused.
"Ferangi" means "Foreigner" in India.

Dear Sonali (sweetsunshine1800),
Thanks for helping me for clearing doubts of Rookdygin.


maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
Hi Pragya,
Thanks for reading my story.
Mumbai is a place of terrifying haunted places.
So, it sometimes spooky to experience this things.
Hope you are fine.


maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-29)
Hi Sonali,

Nice to hear from you after a long time.
Thanks for reading my story.
About your question, I tried searching for an answer for this experience, but I failed. There is no history but some different ghost stories from people living in my area. They all say its because of the cemeteries.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
Ah, yes... Thank you. Slang was not included via translator apps or programs. Thank you very much for clearing that up. 😁


sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
Hello Rookdygin,

Actually, the word'Ferangi' in India is the slang word for foreigner girls 😊, I hope I've cleared your doubts.

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
Not to say I do not believe this experience happened but I have to ask this question...

You do realize that "Ferangi" is a Fictional Race, part of the Star Trek Universe... Introduced in Deep Space 9, Right?

Just saying...

Please correct me if I am wrong, but translator programs do not translate that word into 'anything'. Again, Just saying...


Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-28)
hi Meghna, scary story. I have heard many stories of paranormal experiences in Mumbai though its bustling with life. I would suggest that you read Hanuman Chalisa before you sleep. Its very powerful. And dogs are man's best friend. Loads of love to all your canine friends.:)
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-27)
Hey Meghna,

Thanks for sharing your experience. So, did you find any history of that area? I don't think she's harmful spirit. I could be wrong though. Yeah dogs can see spirits, that's why they're protecting you from whatever it is 😊

It's my fav story now

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,

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