When I was younger I was living in Trinidad and I saw Running Dark Shadow Men moving really fast at my house in Madrass Road, in Trinidad and Tobago. It was a strange encounter at first. I didn't know what to make of it. I saw it multiple times and I saw many of them it was like after one came another came and so on.
As you can see my story is straight to the point. I did some research online and found out that other people have seen shadow men. I spoke to my friend Green who I went to Iraq with (I am an ex soldier by the way) and found out that shadow people are demons.
With that being said. I don't know what to make of it. Some people said it's my imagination some people say it's my medications. I just think it was real because I saw it multiple times and I saw many of them. Spoke to one of my friends about it and they said I should talk with someone about it. Some people say you can see them off the corner of your eye. I read countless stories of people talking about them on yourghoststories.com. I am from Trinidad by the way.
I did some research on shadow people and this is what I found.
"Most people think shadow people are bad. They are not always bad. They also said you need to know what you are seeing and know that they wouldn't always harm you. Realize that its not just happening to you. Tons of people have seen it. Tons of people experience shadow people but keep it to themselves. If you had a encounter with shadow people why not research it and see if you can connect with others who have seen it." Retrieved from from http://www.paranormal.allwomenstalk.com/things-you-need-to-know-about-shadow-people.
PS my story was defiantly shorter than 1500 words. So I added details to my story and did research to make it much longer. Thanks for reading and do make comments below. I give credit where its due.