This evening, something weird happened.
I made my fiancé, Gino, and myself a cup of coffee. I brought them through to our bedroom and put his on the small table on his side of our bed.
About half an hour later, Gino turns to me and asks if I drank his coffee. I told him I hadn't and he showed me his empty coffee cup. I then realised he picked it up off the floor rather than the table and asked him if he moved it from the table and he said no.
Gino swears he didn't drink it, hadn't even touched it!
I'm wondering if it's our resident ghost we call "Phylis".
Has anyone else had anything like this happen? We've never had anything like this happen, and to be honest, it's kind of freaked us out a little bit.
We are used to little things being moved, and the feeling of being watched, even being touched, but this has come out of the blue!
I've even seen our "Phylis" on a few occasions.
Gino had a dream about his grandad, who sadly passed away, where he heard his voice. Definitely a visit from his grandad! But his grandad never drank coffee, always tea.
We really are scratching our heads over who this could be. Maybe even what it could be?
The atmosphere in the house has been very weird today too. Like really awkward. Even as I'm sat here writing this, the atmosphere feels almost charged, like when you accidentally walk in on an argument or people talking about you. But when we went out earlier, everything felt fine and the atmosphere was light.
If anyone could shed any light onto what's going on, we'd be truly grateful!