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Flying Underwear?


A bit over two years ago I first read about a serious succubus experience on a different website. I wondered if it was all fable or real in the spirit realm. I'm highly intrigued, binge reading on succubus and incubus for that week to come.

At this time I started dating someone new. My relationship with my sons father ended in my sons first year of life. After a terrible dating experience that I'll have to share at another time, I was glad to have met someone "normal".

Again, I'm not sure that this could be labeled as paranormal or as a haunting but absolutely peculiar.

July 2015, at this point I'd been dating my now boyfriend for several months. On the weekends my son would be with his father I would come and stay with my boyfriend. This specific weekend we had planned a trip to Palm Springs to attend pool parties with friends.

It was Friday, I'd just gotten home from work. I packed my pink bag with all the clothes I'd need, said my good byes and drove to my significant others home (his name is Dan). Dan lives in an area of San Diego called Mission Hills. One of the oldest communities in SD. The home we now share is cabin like surrounded by trees, old, and very beautiful. Our home has a chimney, it's made of different sized rocks and it goes up through the house. I will post a picture for reference. (The chimney is important to this experience)

When I arrived I went upstairs and sorted through my bag making sure I only took the essentials for such a short trip. I remember leaving my work clothes, a few shirts, and pants (110 degrees in Palm Springs!). I neatly folded my underwear and left them on top the dresser which is right across the chimney. We took off and I didn't get my read on much that weekend, however I did squeeze in some reading time on the way there and back. We had an awesome weekend with friends. (I promise this is all relevant, I'm getting to the "peculiar" part soon)

We head back home Sunday afternoon around 5 or 6pm. We arrive I unpacked, showered and prepared for the next day as I had work.

I stayed up for a bit. Everything well and good, ate a little something and hit the sack.

This night I have a terrible dream. I dreamed that I had an entity attached to me. I felt it was a male and it would follow me everywhere I went but would only torment me when I was alone. I hated being alone, he would speak awful words to me. I remember in my dream being at work retrieving papers from a printer upstairs being petrified of spending one second in solitude. The door slams I start hearing these voices in my head? I'm crying because I know he'll never leave me alone and I'm loosing my sanity. He's saying horrendous things and I am so scared I wake up (or so I thought I did) . Everything is dark and I feel calm knowing it was all dream. In a split second I feel a heavy force of an energy. Almost as if I could see it makes its way through our home, from down stairs, to up stairs and into the bedroom.

I'm not sure how to describe this but I was being raped, I am freaking out. In my mind I am awake and this is all real. I'm thinking my boyfriend? Looking around I don't see him or the dogs. I have an aha moment realizing I am still dreaming. I wake up, catch my breath, knowing it was just a dream. I check the time its almost 4am. I thought to myself you are so silly, have to stop binge reading ghost stories, I'm doing this to myself, I stayed up for a bit then dozed off back to sleep.

Remember the rock chimney I described earlier? When I get up to go the bathroom in the morning I can see that one of the underwear I had folded neatly and left on the dresser (purple underwear, the backside is Lace and the front is normal). Its hanging literally by one single thread of lace on a rock on the chimney about 5 feet up from the ground. It almost seemed impossible the way it was hanging there. I examined it for a bit.

I woke my boyfriend up to show him. I told him my dream and he thought it was odd took the underwear off and just disregarded. He said it must have been the dogs. It entered my mind... There was no way the small dogs got on our tall dresser and flung underwear onto the chimney? He doesn't believe in this sort of thing at all! So I couldn't expect anymore from him. We never talked about it again. I called out of work and sat there for an hour trying to place the underwear back on that same rock. I tried throwing it up and letting it land, and I tried just placing it there to no avail. So many ideas ran through my head I wasn't sure what to think. Coincidental or not, it was spooky! Any ideas?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, svvar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Twilight1011: if that's the case, you might be dealing with a vampire! 😆 😆
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Omg lmao 😆 y'all really had me lol on these comment's. Svvar, I've wondered the same thing, and even said that to my husband. For 2 months to go by, I'm very curious as well, as to where they hide thing's at. Lady glow, the weird thing is, they weren't even my good panties lol. As in, they were used for that annoying part of month. So that being said, I don't know why out of all the other "nicer" ones it could have taken, it chose those lol. Argette, you really had me lol 😆. Val, I feel the same, like I said, they weren't even sexy panties lol, so why it chose those, is beyond me. Luckily it hasn't taken anymore of my panties lol. But there's still been little thing's we've noticed around our home, that's been getting our attention. I really want to submit another story soon, but need help with understanding it. It's been happening to my husband, so I hope that I can get a lot of thought's with what's happening exactly to him. Again, thank you for this read! Although it wasn't meant to be funny, but after all the comments about this panty stilling ghost going around, it sure made me lol
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-01)
Okay, I might be a bit warped - I can imagine some woman in another dimension demanding to know from her S.O. An explanation for strange underwear. 😆
But where does our stuff go? Not so much the things that seem to 'transport' to another room, but the stuff that goes missing for weeks, months or even years to show up in plain sight again at some future date? Good question...
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)
svvar, I would like to add that I do not think that you are in the zone of likely experiencing a similar "event". If you are the type of person who is not studying, psychic-mediumship, para-investigating or spewing over ghostly or spirit encounters, and this is not something you reflect or ponder, speculate or work with on a daily basis, I think you can envision your life without experiences.

As RANDYM said, real and authentic paranormal encounters are, very, few and far between. Most people go through their entire life without ever dealing with such an experience.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)
svvar, thanks for your reply. You know, I am no expert, I just say what I think things "might" mean, but, the most important thing is that you understand/understood what it means.

As I said, so many regular people have an 'experience' after; doing some reading into the paranormal, visiting a haunted house, undergoing particular types of therapy like chemo or having a psychic reading done. I know a lot of the people are, absolutely, baffled or dumbfounded as to their experience as it is not a regular part of their daily life and is usually unexplainable, odd or bizarre, and includes some paranormal aspect/s. Personally, I believe that when a person intensively fixates his/her attention or thinks very deeply, while, allowing a paranormal element, influence or ingredient to occupy his/her thoughts for an amount of time, during any type of activity ie. Reading paranormal articles, watching paranormal movies etc, when his/her mind manages to settle, specifically, into a meditative, sleep-ready, deliberative or dream state - the person becomes more aware, 'highly' aware and almost, 'conscious' of their sixth-sense/third-eye or the usually, invisible-realm to our naked eye, at which point;

Note: There are other examples, but, I am keeping the content of my comment/s relative to my speculation or thoughts and the O/P, only.
A. In your case, there may have been a spirit or energy lingering nearby which was now better able to 'locate' you or 'read' your energy/aura. This presents an opportunity to make itself known in a neutral manner or, scare or 'terrorize' a person - Both are things that ghosts are well-known to do. I cannot say, if, your ghost had a 'sexual' energy or influence, but usually, what you experience is what you get. So, it was likely a 'sexually' - intermediary, conformed or determined energy/ghost which is usually associated or acclimatized with sexual energy and therefor, elements of enchantment, lustfulness or infatuation will always naturally be part-and-parcel of the experience, which many claim he/she person may feel hypnotized or "spellbound".

I read a recent story on YGS by Ghostseer which supports my theory of the 'link-of-awareness', although, we must take into consideration that Ghostseer is a medium and 'lighthouse' who attracts spirits, ghosts and energies etc. She was reading a different story on YGS and offering a person in distress advice on a paranormal-encounter with a ghost/spirit. She was using her gift to view the 'past-and-present' in order to establish the authenticity of the story and then, nature of the "problem". At this point, she was bitten on the inner-top of her thigh by the same ghost that the person in distress had come into contact with.
Had Ghostseer never been aware of, or come-in-contact with, even, just the psychic "prospect", she would have most likely not made contact with the energy/spirit, and vice versa the energy/spirit, would have left her alone.
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

You know that did occur to me! I used to sleep walk as a child. I'd do the strangest things. I had a laugh imaging I slept walk and threw my panties on he chimney lol! I think my dream was related to the binge reading material on succubus/incubus. I remember thinking in my dream if that was like what it was. I did have blue cheese that night. I call them blue cheese dreams 😜
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

Haha I can relate to the sister stealing clothes! Used to drive me nuts. Now that we don't live together I miss her and her antics so!
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

No need to apologies, I had good laugh imaging that 😆 😆
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

😆 😆 😆 hopefully he doesn't come bAck here! He needs to go houselifting in another town lol!
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

As far as to how I felt the dream had very spooked I woke up thinking it was real. That I had something attached to me and it wouldn't go away. In the morning when I saw my inderwhere causally hanging out on the rock I was very curious. I said what in the world! I was not scared at the point just really interested on how they got there in the way they were placed. I'm not sure if I can directly relate the dream and the incident. When I woke up in my dream to the part that was not so pleasant and described being able to feel a force make it's way upstairs. I imagined on its way out it took them and dropped them lol? Sometimes I have dreams of things that are happening or about to indirectly. For example one night I am dreaming of a spider charging towards me and bites my hand.

In real time when the spider was charging towards me my hand was swaying and hit the corner of my nightstand. Really painful! I wake up and what do you I see a spider on my night stand.

Last night I was dreaming at being at my moms and she had a pregnant mouse in her kitchen, I say mother you have to get her out of her they multiply so fast soon you'll be infested! I wake up today, fill my dogs water and food bowl and find mouse droppings in front of their food bowl. Little guy was getting his snack on and depositing little nuggets.

Maybe it was something like that if the dream were to be related?
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)
Svvar, no, please don't let fear conquer you, keep in mind that whatever the entities are. Cheers!

svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

I am really interested in where this sort of stuff is kept when it is taken. Another realm? Just hidden about your home? Taken to else where in time and space? Lol I am glad to know it is fairly common phenomena.
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

😊 😊 😊 maybe the panty robbing entity has made its way there!
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

That would for sure scare me into sleeping with all the lights on forever! I hope your friend has gotten some answers that was s great share.
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

Come to think of it my s/o is slways complaing about things going missing. I wonder why I would love to know lol. I kind of like the ring Svalbard has haha.
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-01)

That is odd! I wonder where it stored them for that long! 😁
Definitely an odd thing to do.
C2C (3 stories) (62 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-28)
That was an awful dream and pretty scary. The first thought about your panties was that you or your boyfriend were sleepwalking. My husband sleepwalks quite often and also does and says the strangest things. He doesn't ever remember doing it. But since the panties were so high up, I really don't think that's a practical idea. I'd say you have a ghost, but it may not be responsible for the dream, and you shouldn't necessarily think both incidents were connected. I'd log it into a journal while it's fresh in your mind and just put it aside for now. The dream could have been caused by tiredness, by being too cold or warm while you sleep, by something you ate that really didn't agree with you, or any other number of things. I've had bad dreams triggered by books or television, or sounds in the background while I've been sleeping. Fortunately no real harm was done, it was just really disturbing. I hope you don't dream that dream again. Thanks for sharing. Your story was very well written.
Midnight_Flower (1 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-28)
Sorry you had to experience such awful vivid dreams like that. After I first started binge reading stories on here I had some terrifying haunted dreams. It's like the dream reacted from my fear and got more intense.

When my nice fancy panties go missing it's likely my sister who stole them not a spirit. 😆
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-28)
I don't think you need worry RC. The good folks on here understand only too well the need for laughter now and then and what better way to conquer fear? I found this story very disturbing. It brought the 'Entity' to mind and the way this spirit hung her undies on the chimney comes across as a rather nasty parting shot. It's as though he was thumbing his nose as he went out the door.
Thanks for making me LOL on this very cold morning! 😊
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-27)
When I first saw the title to this story, a snippet from an old Abbot and Costello movie came to my mind. The name escapes me, but a haunted house was involved. At one point, the two have a conversation:

Costello: If you see a pair of pants flying across the room, don't grab them.
Abbot: Why?
Costello: Because I'll be in them.

How did the panties get hooked on that little bit of protruding stone? You tried to do it intentionally, many times and in many ways, Svvar, and failed each time. Yet there they were. Up there, stuck.

I can just picture a ghost/spirit playfully messing around with the garments, seeing what it accomplished, and laughing on its way to the next scheduled haunting.

And apologies if this came out too flippant and silly.
Caz (342 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-27)
Thanks for posting this very interesting story Svvar!
Ladies...I have a theory. When your panties mysteriously go missing, it can only mean one thing. 'Nicholas the Knicker Nicker' is in town! 😉
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-27)
svvar, your experience sounds pretty scary! Agreed, the pantie "mishaps" seems to be happening far more often then we realize. The ghost must feel like there is a 'point' to this exercise, right?! Maybe, svvar will be able to further elaborate on what you felt when you discovered your panties had been moved? Because ghosts and spirits can not always speak with us directly or communicate directly, they use a different ways to do this - your intuition, the types of things you would think, moving something that you will absolutely notice are some examples.
Do you think your dream had something to do with the panties - a connection of sorts eg. Having a dream of a sexual nature in which you are in your room and having this sexual experience and then, finding your panties moved when you are fully awake and in the physical world?
What thoughts and feelings did you have about the incident, at the time?
And, what did you think was more directly-related, to the incident?

It's great that you posted this story because you can give us a fresh perspective. Was it a warning or merely "something" or "someone" letting themself be known? If so, why make use of your underwear? Is it maybe, because that is the ONE thing you will absolutely have to notice, as being out of place? If so, why did the ghost put such negative thoughts in your head and say such horrible things? It could have interacted or communicated with you in a different way in your dream; to announce its presence or to try and 'make contact' with you eg. Long-lost soul mates, a friend you have feelings for, a mysterious handsome stranger or a romantic relationship.

It must have had something to do with your reading materials. There have been many incidents whereby, people who are not mediums or psychics, just, normal people start reading and delving into the paranormal and afterwards, the person has a paranormal or unexplainable experience.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-27)
Hi there!

I cannot stop laughing while reading some of these comments lol

Hmm...Interestingly my friend too had a similar story. She also had a really bad dream (I think she said something like being chased by a pale monstrous man) and woke up without any clothing, not even undies. She realized that her pajamas were nicely folded on her bedroom sofa and undies lying on the floor. She was single and got really scared since thinking that a robber had come in and... Did really bad things to her. She went straight to the doctor next morning for a check; there are no sign (not pregnant).

She went to check her mental health as well and there symptoms of what we call as "sleep walking", very low risk but she could have been sleep walking, says the doctor. Well, she is single, so no evidence but her own words.

Err... (Still can't help smiling) Well since you are not single, you know anything can happen, but hiding undies high up is quite a hard job for any man (or woman).

No, I don't hide them but randomly I will find a T-back panty in my pile of pants, which I assume that my sister had put them mistakenly in my closet... (Or could I have been wearing them? No, no, just joking LOL)

Interesting one if it could be any spirits, usually as I know of (TV show information), ghosts hate anything erotic (sorry if this word is not appropriate) or sexual. Those are believed to repel the ghost's own energy since it is the symbol of birth. Well, you know the water beats fire thingy, like birth beats death kind of theory. But well? It could be the opposite, right?

Blessing from São Paulo
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-27)
Wow, Val, that's hilarious. I mean, it's not funny when you can't find your undies, but for a ghost to return them all neat and folded but in the wrong drawer, well, that's just too cute.

I always figured mine got lost in the laundry, along with one sock from each pair...
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-27)
Maybe the missing panties thing is more common then we know. Over the past 6 months, I had 8 pairs go missing, along with various other items (non-clothing). Now these weren't even pretty ones, just plain ordinary cotton ones, so I can't imagine what the attraction could have been. Now, I'm the type that has assigned drawers for things; you know, drawer A is underwear and socks, drawer B is pajamas, drawer C shirts, etc. So a week or so ago, I open drawer C to put away some laundry, and there sits my panties, all neatly folded in a pile, along with the other missing items! Very weird. But, rock climbing underwear is even weirder.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-26)
I have never had a problem with a ghost hiding my underwear... I guess no one finds passion killer undies to be attractive! 😆
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-26)
I'm sorry, Svvar. My Autocorrect renamed you!

Who is Svalbard and does he steal panties?
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-26)
I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for a panty-robbing ghost! Weird stuff goes missing at our house all the time, but I always blame myself.

Thanks Svalbard's and Twilight!:)
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-26)
That's interesting. I've had an incident with my panties too. It was last year back in September. I was getting ready for a shower, so I put the clothes I was going to put on afterwards, on my bed. ALL together. When I got out the shower, and went to my room to put on my clothes, I noticed my panties were gone. I looked to see if they were on the floor, or around the bed, and couldn't find it. My other clothes weren't disturbed! I gave up looking for them, but since then, I had cleaned my room, washed my sheets etc... But still never saw them. Until 2 months later, I had got up (6am) to get my boys ready for school, and when I got back from putting them on the bus, as I started to get in bed, what do you know, there's my panties, laying perfectly on my pillow that I was sleeping on earlier. I couldn't believe it. No one put them there, nore knew where they had been for the past 2 months! I guess I have a pervert for a ghost lol. I don't know why "it" had to take my panties for 2 months lol, but at least it finally returned them. It didn't scare me, or anything. I actually found it funny. What kind of ghost just hides your panties for 2 months, then returns them by placing it on your pillow?
svvar (4 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-25)

I agree! I always jot down my dreams in a dream
Journal app it's alwyas fun to be able to reference back to them. I haven't really had anything similar happen like this again sometimes I wonder if it's just my mind. I always try to debunk anyThing that happens that seems off. Something's though, like my rock climbing underwear I just can't explain lol!

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