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Crossing Paths With A Demonic Entity


This story that I'm sharing with you took place 5 years ago during summer 2011. It was a hot night in a small rural town outside of Montreal Qc, and I was walking home from hanging out with some friends who lived across town from me. Originally my curfew was supposed to be 12am but I stretched it out to 3-4am since I knew my mother would be sleeping and unaware of the real time I got home at.

Walking back home around 3am in my small town was always dead and quiet. Not a person or car in sight. To get home I would cross a highway that crossed two sides of the town I lived in and I would cross through a ditch that was well excluded and hidden by a wooded area (Thinking of it now it's a ditch I should not of cut through by myself at those odd hours). As I was cutting through the woods I had my cellphone's flashlight app on and noticed something was glowing in the reflection, and I found it weird that something would be glowing because I've never seen anything glow in the reflection of a flashlight. As I got closer I realized it wasn't something it looked like SOMEONE bent over in the bushes. I paused for a moment and thought to myself "ok maybe this is an animal reflecting in my flashlight" but I took a couple of steps closer and quickly realized that was not the case. My heart stopped for a couple of seconds and I just stared. I was looking at a demonic entity. Demonic looking it was. All I could see was its back hunched over as it was fiddling in the bushes, but the way it hunched didn't look normal and was really unsettling, and the ears were pointy with a glowing body. Then it turned its head almost as if it sensed me looking at it and noticed my flashlight on it. The eyes glowed a slight different color then the body (more of a yellow over white) and there was no face that I could see (no nose, no mouth, just two glowing yellow eyes and pointy ears).

I maybe stood there for 5-10 seconds at most before I reacted. I had three options. First one was to turn my back to it and run the long way home, or run right by it home, or to quietly walk past it. Something inside me said do not turn your back (everything I had heard from my family about demons was to never show fear or to turn your back) and also to not startle it by running (That I don't know why I felt that way but I did) so I chose to walk past it quietly and to not make any eye contact whatsoever with it and that's what I did. Walking by it was one of the scariest things I ever had to do but I swallowed my fear and managed to make it home but as soon as I was out of the wooded area I started to run believe me, and for weeks after that I slept with my mother or younger sister.

A couple of years later I decided to use Google to see if I could find any information on the entity I saw and the closest thing I was able to find to it was the rake. A entity that has been seen on numerous occasions dating back as early as 1691.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, jasmine08, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
7 years ago (2018-09-07)
I thought that this experience is quite interesting. I think your parents gave you good advice on don't show fear and don't turn your back I agree. I hope you keep us posted even though I might be late with comments but anyways I hope you have a good day. Many blessing!
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-25)
Hi Jasmine08
I appreciate you are engaging in a discussion and giving us more information in order to try and get to the bottom of what it was you actually experienced.
However if you are now suggesting it could have been an alien, well that's for another website / forum in my humble opinion.
And your other suggestion that this creature was the love child of a romantic encounter between an amorous Canadian and a...well, I can't think of what creature was "made love to" other than a giant radioactive vampire bat to create what you saw.
I must admit, that was very funny though. I've never heard of beastiality being referred to as "making love". It almost makes it sound appropriate.
But that a WHOLE other website again!

Best wishes in your search for answers Jasmine


roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-25)
I have a question... Do you know of a TV show called Creepy Canada, hosted by Brian O'Dea?
Checkout episode 1 of Season 3, you might see something interesting.

Furthermore...So as I understood, the creature was solid? It was not wispy or smoky in texture right? No weird smell, but did you smell anything at all? Like beasty, animally... It will really be weird if there is no smell when you are out door.

In my research the goat man figure, otherwise the Baphomet is a re-imagination or a symbol drawn by Eliphas Levi as a meaning of the balance of universe, somewhat like the meaning of Chinese Ying-Yang symbol (No, not related at all, they are different), dating back somewhat the mid-19th century. So there goes the "demonic" goat man, it's a legendary lie.

But not considering it as a demon, acceptable, but not 100% true. Not spiritual but UMA reports are around but most are just liars wanted to be on camera, like... Hey, mom look at me! I am on camera! I saw a goat man! Woohoo! LOL

You might want to share your story too on some reliable UMA sites to seek for more help, but really be aware of "garbage sites" its dangerous out there 😉

lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
Hi Jasmine: do you know if this entity is part of the beliefs of the First Nations people of the area?

Aside from Ogopogo and sasquatch I have no idea of any other mythical Canadian creature, though I'm sure there are more. 😐
jasmine08 (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
In reply to roylynx
No weird smell! Really sure it wasn't an animal at least not from our planet or some kind of weird animal that was made by a human making love to some kind of animal. Really didn't look animal more human but not human as well.
jasmine08 (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
In reply to macknorton
I didn't think of investigating it mainly because I just didn't think of it lol! I was a teenager and my mind was on other things. I only thought of it when I was sharing the story with my boyfriend and realized I never thought of googling it. Also yep pretty much standard dinner time conversations when I'm at my grandmothers on my mothers side. A lot of it is personal stories or experiences from my aunts, uncles, family friends and friends of friends. My family is very spiritual it's been that way for a while it seems too
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
Hi Jasmine
Thanks for your replies, no disrespect intended but when things don't appear logical, they are questioned.
A couple of points that, for me, need clarifying:
Why did it take two whole years after the event before you decided to investigate what you think you saw?
And, you mentioned that your family had given you a lot of advice about what to do when you encounter demons. Are you able to elaborate that? Is it standard dinner time conversation? Or a subject on long car trips or do you have family members who are fearful of such things?
These points would help fill in many gaps if you don't mind.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
So is it a garden cleaner or is it a stick!? No, no. 😆

Sorry about the joke I made, just can't help after reading all the materials I found on everyone's favorite CreepyPasta related stuff... Garbage site for me, shouldn't have waste my time over there...

Well, about the goat man or whatever that you have seen, since its dark and you said people there is scarce, at least I think that's what you mean, is there a possibility that you saw a wild animal? Were there any smells when you are near it?

In darkness even if you have a flashlight on our eyes can be quite creative tagging with our scared mind. Just cool down and think.

jasmine08 (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
In reply to roylynx
Thanks for the research but I should of worded my story better. I meant to say it resembled the rake. I don't believe the urban legend of the rake. But what I saw very closely resembled it. Minus the claws...
jasmine08 (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
In reply to roylynx

I just said I don't think its the rake. Its the closest thing I could find through the internet physically in appearance to what I saw. BUT again I will state I DID NOT SEE THE RAKE. What I saw physically resembles the rake.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
The rake... Rake, rake, rake... Slander man with a face?... Oh there! The goat man.
Tala! Demon? Nope.

What I have information about what a rake is, is that it has long claws and indeed it is dangerous...

But guess what?
It cleans your garden too.

Creeeepeeeee lol


PS I will do a better research if needed, but I can say there is no Rake around walking at 3am. Urban legend!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
Jasmine, in all the time I've spent reading stuff on here, the subject of demonic appearance seldom turns into anything truly negative.

Within the comments to this man's experience here:
Http:// there are some images which helped him identify an entity as a 'troll', according to an online database of entities. Nature spirits are very diverse and can appear quite ghastly. Perhaps this is a good thing, I mean we humans are pretty good at destroying nature. But I guess also the old saying is true, can't judge a book by it's cover. 😊

Here is the link he found useful:
jasmine08 (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
In reply to tweed,
That's a good possibility. You are right about its behavior not being characteristic of that of a demons. I did just write demon though because for the longest time I just called it that since I found it looked quite demonic looking with its appearance! Thank you for your constructive feedback
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
Jasmine, no problem. Thanks for confirming.

A lot of us here, including myself, believe in nature spirits. As you live in a rural remote area, I'd say that's likely what you encountered. Not really a demon. That's my opinion, I mean it didn't attack you or anything, so it can't have been all that evil. Just a thought. 😊
jasmine08 (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
Another thing to clarify at the end I state that ''the closest thing I could find that resembles what I saw is the rake''. By this sentence I mean that what I saw resembles the rake I'm not saying that the rake is what I saw, again I don't know what I saw. Would be cool to know though.
jasmine08 (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
LOL not only do I live in Canada but I also live in a small rural town in the middle of nowhere. Also its not a party town so the chances of someone hiding in a costume waiting to scare someone at 3am is 0. Nobody is out at that time EVER, besides the odd crazy person like myself taking a walk back home. But I'm going clarify again that I saw with my flashlight and with my eyes, and I was about close enough to get a good look and no its certainly not a human or animal. I was only like 10ft away from it.
Also I'm noticing this story is getting a low of humorous feedback which doesn't bother me I'm really easy going but I want to mention this isn't a bullshiat story. I don't write stories for fun and becoming a fictional author isn't one of my ambitions. I know some people think this isn't a true story but it is. Its up to you to choose to believe it or not.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
Hi Jasmine, thanks for replying.

Sorry to keep bringing this up, but I think it needs ruling out for sure.

Could you take a look at this picture and confirm if it could've been a costume such as this?

Some of those costumes come with reflective eye sections and glow in the dark accessories. I've seen some of these human 'dogs' in Milton Keyenes, which is fairly conservative by day. You're in Canada, a pretty relaxed place, so I think it's at the very least likely, or deserving of being ruled out at least. 😊
jasmine08 (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
ok everyone just wanted to let you know I'm 100% certain its not an animal or a human. My eyes work good and id like to think I have been alive long enough and I have seen enough to know the difference between 1. A human, and 2. An animal. LOL
Also about the demon, I call it a demon because TO ME that's what it resembled and how I imagine a demon to appear physically, however I never believed that that is what it was. I have to no clue what kind of paranormal being it was. But what I am certain of is that it was something paranormal. & I'm also clearing up that I meant to turn my back from fear sorry I wasn't detailed enough. Theres a huge difference in not showing fear and walking by normally then to be scared and turn my back out of fear and show its stronger then me. Some spirits feed off of fear and I'm going to try hard so it doesn't feed off of mine.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-23)
haha Mack, I just noticed your comment now.
The reason I thought of a drunk party goer is we have sooo many docos about different subcultures the possibility felt totally obvious. The most obvious being the 'furry' subculture, which is, actually I can't work it out, but they seem to have a lot of fun. Also a 'dog' subculture, which appears to be s&m related. Using a leprechaun as a post-ralph serviette might not be politically correct, but it is, in this age, likely.

So Jasmine, maybe look through some of these subculture costumes as you might find what you encountered. Be sure to set your browser mode to 'safe' or 'nanny' or whatever denotes a PG rating. As some of them are quite adult in nature.
RedBlackRosemama (34 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-20)
Sound like Doby the elf like from lord of the ring or whatever Kikigirl says. But Demon there a lot different kind of demons as other poster say you have summon demon or calling something like that but for other I wouldn't stay out that late 3 am in the middle of night cause it's dangerous could be murder or rob or rape or both never know right now my state have law about being out late night.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-19)
You are correct in not assuming the figure in the woods was definitely of demon origins. We should not assume that a spiritual creature would just materialise in some back woods for no apparent reason. We always should look for alternative explanations before we assume paranormal. Therefore your suggestion (which, by the way, did NOT make me laugh uproariously) is one that can't be dismissed:
"I'd also like to add another possibility, some person, drunk and in a costume, hurling in the bushes after a big night. Just a thought."
As an aside, I have heard that once one has hurled, the tail coats of a leprechaun (if you can even catch one in your inebriated state) are superb for wiping ones chin.
Yours, in sincere earnestness,

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-19)
Hi Jasmine,

A quick search revealed many creepypasta related results. As Lady Glow says, the rake seems like fiction.
I agree with Funeralmass about the nature spirit angle. I'd also like to add another possibility, some person, drunk and in a costume, hurling in the bushes after a big night. Just a thought.
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-19)
jasmine08, oh my word! The moment you mentioned "fiddling in the bushes", "hunched" and "pointy ears", my stomach did a full 360 degree flip! One of the first things that popped into my mind was some kind of leprechaun or creature of the sort who grants wishes should you have the moxie to bag it! (moxie to bag it - translation: courage and wit to manage to catch it!)

Literally, I held my breath waiting in anticipation, while the anticipation and excitement escalated, all the while hoping that you would say the secret words and the magical-creature would either; hand you 10 bars of gold or grant your deepest desire or your most secret wish!

Then you said, "my family always told me" and I expected you to say something like, "there is a secret way to greet these magical-creatures and thereafter, you say these words..." Oh, my God! To actually have stumbled unexpectedly across the path of a lepechaun, pixie, gnome or elf-like creature during this journey of life with the additional knowledge of the secret utterance which will award you with a most prized donation! It is really mysterious and baffling!

Your story had me hooked! I have heard that leprechauns or elves are, in honesty, not the most desirable creatures to look at, and that they are not the warmest, kindest or politest creatures either with an added side-order of tenacity! We can all dream that it is the opposite way, though.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-19)
Demon Dental Insurance? I think you're onto a winner RandyM.
Brilliant insight into why are they so mean to everybody - tooth pain.
It was staring at us in the face this whole time but we never saw it!
That girl in the bathroom who hit the entity with the toothbrush was onto it! 😆
So maybe we need to make sure any Holy water is flurodated so even when it's splashed onto the demons faces and melts their skin in a spectacular cloud of putrid steam, if it gets in their mouth it will actually HELP them.
Double-edged sword but what the Hell right...?
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-19)
I need to ask a question

What would happen if you wrestled a pesky Demon to the ground a brushed it's teeth or fangs? Supposedly they have very bad breath.
At least that's what they say on TV.
Come to think of it, When I have a toothache I get in a very bad mood. You think that could be part of the problem as to why they are so mean. They have cavities? I bet they went all through Demon School and never brushed or flossed. Maybe that's why they are afraid of a toothbrush. It may hurt. If we could get them some Demon Dental Insurance and they could get all fixed up they may turn nice. The more I think of it the more I'm thinking we need to show a little more compassion. I'm sure you guys remember the story about the Lion who had a thorn in his paw. Same principle here.

Yep, you guess it friends, Randy stayed up way too late again.

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-19)
I'm sorry - you're right. It's just SO hard to know exactly what to do with the toothbrush when faced with an unevolved soul, or one of Beezlebubs minions.
I can see your point re not wanting to startle them with any sudden movements.
Perhaps the best way forward is to simply hold the toothbrush out in front of you, maybe slightly above your head - let that denizen of the underworld see exactly what you are packing. Show that you mean business and say something like "Attention you unholy creature! Yes that's correct! I AM holding a toothbrush and I am NOT afraid to use it on your demonic ass!"
I don't know, I'm not an expert in the field but a users handbook would be a great start.
I'm going to begin by identifying toothbrushes that have suitable rubber grips for when that ectoplasm and green projectile vomit really starts flying!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-19)
lady-glow and Mack - Your idea of compiling a manual is a great idea lady-glow! The two of you can sell it online and stand to make a nice little nest-egg 😊

It had in fact occurred to me that a package containing four toothbrushes plus four ready-made crucifixes constructed with dental floss (crucifixes optional) together with instruction leaflet would be the way to go. All equipment of course blessed according to various beliefs. (Except the crucifixes, those would of necessity have to be blessed according to Christian belief.)

I offer my services as the agent in Africa 😜 😆

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3210 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-19)
Macknorton: Irresponsible advice?!...well, you are right, I'm still trying to figure the best way to use the protective toothbrush. Although, since this was an encounter with a demon and you should " never show fear or to turn your back) and also to not startle it by running", I assume it is safe to hit it, otherwise any sudden movement like and arm throwing a toothbrush could be misunderstood for provocation. 😨

I guess we should get together and write a manual on the use of protective toothbrushes... I still do not know if we're supposed to reuse them (green option) carving a slit after each use, or if we should use a new one for every encounter. 😕
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-18)
Lady-glow and Mack- I am starting to see a bright future for toothbrushes (sorry had to add this) 😁
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-18)
Hi Jasmine08,

I still have a lot to learn about these supernarural identities but frankly speaking it sounds to me it could have been an animal... Don't know if you have mooses or bears- or any other big animal- circling in your area, but if you do the exhaustion of a long day and night and the induced fear by the environment could make you perceive what could be a normal animal by something out of this world. As for the glowing, I think that a piece of glass hanging from a branch (don't know about there but here in Portugal we can find some strange things in the woods being hanging pieces of glass one of them) could reproduce that kind of effect. But I am not very experient in these things, so this is just my point of view.

God bless.

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