Greetings from Singapore!
This is my first time posting and to be honest, I am superbly glad that there is a website for me to share my experiences with!
I'll just have a short intro' about myself, and I will proceed with the incident!
During my pre-teen all the way to my young adulthood, I was actively involved in Wicca and practiced magick spells on my friends and myself.
Of course it might sound a little weird per se because I'm Asian and Asians have their own fair share of Black Magic practices.
However, ever since I watched " The Craft ", I was very excited and started to dwell deeper into this " safe " occult.
As years went by, I started painting my room black and had a huge Pentagram painted on my floor.
My room was very dark and I only lit candles and had my curtains drawn but instead of a freaky outlook, I felt that my room was safe, as I had my little potted plants that I revived through hours of meditation practices.
Once, I even put a curse on my friend in school for bullying me.
The next week, she fell into a drain and broke her arm.
Of course at that age, I thought it was real.
And I really believed it!
Moving on, as I got really serious in this Magick stuff.
My nights became freakier and I started to feel unsafe when I blow out the candles in my room to go to sleep.
So this one fateful night, I remember meditating for a few hours on my study table that is attached to my window.
My room had only one candle that I placed on a plate in front of me and at that point of time, I worshiped the Fire Goddess Freyja.
After the session, I blew out the candle and tucked into bed.
I fell asleep peacefully.
Barely a few minutes later, I jerked awake violently.
My chest hurt and I was screaming but no sound came out from my throat.
The reason to my screaming?
There was this tall, green scary looking thing with crazy hair (it had no face) right on the right side of my bed, pressing down on my chest.
Cold and just... Eew.
I was paralyzed, I couldn't breathe, I was panicking and I couldn't even move my head to turn away from that thing with long arms.
To make matters worse, it was only half-bodied.
No legs, no nothing below the torso.
I will never ever forget that image in my head.
After what seemed like hours, the green thing disappeared!
Just like that!
Miraculously, I started screaming like there was no tomorrow until my dad barged in my room and told me to wake up cuz I did NOT want to open my eyes in my dark and (now scary) room.
I have to admit that I went berserk and screamed at my dad.
He told me to take my ablution (cleansing one's body in Islam) and calm down.
He made me sit down in his room and told me that he needed me to stop my practicing and focus on being pure and clean.
He told me that what I saw, could be a Djinn (you can google it!) and that Djinn probably wanted to know who I am.
What freaked me out was that my dad told me that my uncle (his younger brother) from Malaysia is a spiritual healer and has mentioned to my dad a couple of times, that there are " things " in my room.
And he refuses to step foot in our house again.
Djinns can be evil, some can be inquisitive and all that.
I myself am not sure.
Up until today.
So ever since that incident, I repainted my wall white, threw all of my magick stuff away, I started praying and believing in my Creator.
Although I do sometimes falter, but that incident stays on my mind until now.
And so because of that, I am afraid of the dark, dark corners, hollow eye sockets and empty rooms.
It has become so bad until I refuse to sleep alone or without one light switched on.
I am currently working and multi-tasking as I type this down.
I will share more of my experiences after this incident.
I believe that these things just don't go away at all, once you are a part of it.
I also want to thank all the other members who commented. It is always good to have knowledge shared like this. It helps a lot of people judge for themselves what is right or wrong. Thanks all.