This is my first time writing about my experiences. I have had many experiences not only in the house that I live in now but the previous house that I once lived in. Here are a few stories that I remember and tell to people who don't believe.
When I was 7 years old my grandmother who I called Me-Maw, of who I was EXTREMELY close to passed away from medical problems. She had been in and out of the hospital and nursing home. She passed away in the nursing home that we live behind. I was DEVASTATED. Well not to long after that is when I noticed weird things start to happen. I was terrified to be in the house along, or walk down the hall, or even be in my room by myself.
One day I was across my room from the door and I was sitting there on the floor, now you much know that my Me-Maw smoked these nasty smelling cigarettes, so I was just sitting there and my whole room was engulfed with the smell of these nasty cigarettes. I looked behind me and ran out of my room.
My mom is the kind you can tell anything to so I ran to her and told her and she was like yeah I smell it around me too at certain times. Well we talked about it for a few minutes and then I decided to go back to my room, and the smell was gone. I got very upset because I realized that it was probably my Me-Maw and I had scared her away.
Sometime later I don't remember exactly how long after that incident this one occurred. I awoke with a strange feeling, so I picked my head up and looked around and then I called for my mom. I always had to have her lay with me until I fell asleep or if I woke up. I laid back down to try to go back to sleep but it wouldn't work, so I again called for my mom. I did this a few more times and when I picked my head up the last time I looked at the door only to notice a lady standing there. She had no face, I couldn't tell what she was wearing and I couldn't see any feet. I was terrified! I just looked at her and she just stared straight at me.
Then as we were just examining each other she stuck her hand straight out to me and took a step! Just to say I wanted to jump out of my skin! It wasn't a scared feeling, it was an excitement, I felt at peace. I was scared don't get me wrong but it was a peaceful and calming feeling.
After we looked at each other for what felt like an eternity, which was only about a few seconds, I put my head back down and went right back to sleep. After every experience I've had, I was always able to fall right back asleep.
I believe that it was the same night at the last experience, but I remember having a dream of someone coming to my bed side and rubbing my back and playing with my hair until I fell asleep. I also remember feeling very peaceful and loved and safe.
I've had many other experiences in that house. We have since moved from that house, but that was my home for about 11-12 years. I moved into that house at the age of 2 and was there until the age of 14 years old.