To begin I have to tell you about my 17 year old son. I will call him T. From the time he could talk, he was always telling me and my husband about people that were around that we could not see. I can remember him talking in his room and I would go in and ask him who he was talking to and he would tell me certain people. At our home it was always some family member that had passed on. Usually my dad. He would tell me things that there were in no way he could have known. By the time he had turned 5 it was getting lesser and lesser that these things happened and by the the time he was 7, it all stopped.
Well this is about time my experience happened. T was in second grade and we had to change schools that year because of zoning. So this was his first year at this school. Now this school is the oldest operating school in our town. It was his second day and he came home on the bus and everything was fine. We all went to bed that night and when my alarm went off the next morning, I got up to get T and his sister up to get ready for school. T's bedroom door is across the hall and a little to the left from mine. I keep my TV on at night so when I got up to open T's door, the hall was very dimly lit. I reach for his doorknob and I noticed what I thought was T sitting in the hall leaned up against the wall with a backpack. He had on what looked like a light blue shirt and the back pack was read. I said T, what are you doing? He then got up and walked down the hall to the living room. I then walked to the living room and turned on the light. He was not in the living room, dining room, kitchen, and there were no doors that opened and closed. I was very confused.
I went back to T's room opened the door and he was asleep in his bed. I woke T up and and his sister up and got them off to school. I replayed that in my head all day and the more I thought about it, that little boys face did not even look like T. I never mentioned what I saw to T for a long time.
I am guessing this little boy's spirit was roaming the school and found a friendly soul in T and followed him home. I guess he went back to school with him because I never saw him again.