This was the first time I've ever experienced paranormal activity. These events occurred two, years ago. My family and I moved from Florida, to Indiana so we could live near my father's relatives. My parents purchased a two story house built in 1990 from the owners' daughter. The previous owner wanted to move because they had lost their son do to a asthma attack a year before and it was too painful for the parents to live there.
The activity didn't start for a month after we moved in. I was in my room doing homework when I heard knocking and scratching in the attic. I told my dad he got a revolver in case it was a raccoon and headed to the attic. He didn't find anything and he called an exterminator the next morning. The exterminator told us there weren't any pest in the house or any entrances they could use to get in. The knocks and scratches continued.
About two weeks later my little brother Bobby began waking up screaming. We asked him. What happened? He said he saw a monster. We assumed it was just an eight year olds over active imagination and dismissed it.
A few days later I was watching tv in my room and heard a very loud banging in the attic. I thought a fight broke out up there so I told my dad. He got a revolver and went to the attic. He called us up there a few minutes later. The attic was destroyed it looked like someone had taken a bat and went mad. There was a broken window several unpacked boxes were thrown about their contents all over the floor. We called the police they came out, and they couldn't find anything. It had snowed that night and they couldn't find any tracks leading to or away from our house. The noises continued.
Not long after my baby sister Annie started waking up wailing more than usual. She could say a few words, she said "Bad man," pointing at an empty corner in the room. We didn't know what to do both Bobby and Annie were having nightmares.
A week later I had the house to myself. My brother was at a sleep over and my parents took Annie with them to spend the night at grandma and grandpa's house. While I was cooking a little dinner I saw movement out of the corner of my eye I got curious and went to check it out. I saw a tall shadow, that was as best I can describe, was darker than the darkness around it. The shadow took a step towards me and I ran out the house to a neighbor's house for help.
When my parents came home the next day we all walked inside looking around. I thought I was going mad.
A few days later when I was walking in the front door I glanced at the up stairs and froze. Leaning over the guard rail was a man he looked like he was in his late teens, to early twenties and looked absolutely furious due to the glare he was giving me. I screamed, my mom ran in and saw the man too. I blinked and he was gone. My mom and I promised to keep it between us so as not to make the situation with the family worse.
After that everything stopped no scratches or knocks, my brother and sister were even able to sleep peacefully for about a month. Then my brothers birthday came. He was running around up stair excited, I poked my head out intending to tell him to be careful. When He turned towards me he missed a step, and started to fall down the stairs. I was terrified. Then he stopped he was in mid air the back of his shirt looked bunched up like someone grabbed him from behind. Bobby was sat at the top stair and was just as shocked as me. When I wrapped my mind around that something saved my little brother I said out loud, "Thank you to whoever saved my brother."
A couple days later my father was checking on Annie when he said he saw a man leaning on the wall looking at Annie and he described the man mom and I, had seen. That night the whole family talked about the fact that our house was haunted.
The next day, we had a sensitive walk the house. She said, "You folks have two entities here." One was the late son of the previous owner and the other was a demon. She told us the son who wanted to be known as Cyclone had been fighting to keep us safe and the reason we saw him at times was because he was watching over us. The demon had been scaring Bobby and Annie along with me. She said we'd have to do a house cleansing. After we did the cleansing the demon was gone. We still see Cyclone on occasion but now he is like a part of the family.