Quite recently I was at home with my new cat, Alissia and my best friend, Eddison. We were sitting watching a video on my phone when the cat started meowing really loudly from upstairs. Eddison offered to go and see what was up with Alissia. He said there was nothing up so I put it down to settling in or attention seeking. Alissia must have come down at some point because she leaped into my lap for a cuddle.
At that point I saw blood on her foot. When I inspected it I saw a small cut, which was strange as I couldn't see how she got it. Eddison looked upstairs for anything that could've cut her and there was nothing. I let her go and play with her mouse toy and went upstairs to get my phone charger. I walked into my bedroom and found Eddison inspecting something on his body in my mirror. He showed me what he was looking at and it looked as if someone had come and scratched him hard with four fingers. He couldn't remember scratching himself on anything that could've looked like that. After I cleaned his wounds we went back downstairs to find Alissia gone. I thought that was slightly strange that she wasn't asleep near her mouse but you can't expect a cat to stay in one place forever.
We made lunch and sat down to watch TV when I heard Alissia meowing again. This time I went upstairs because Eddison refused to. I found Alissia in my room hissing at the mirror. I thought that it was a cat thing but then I saw a scratch across my mirror. It was in the same formation as Eddison's scratches I bolted downstairs to get Eddison. Alissia was still meowing very loudly and then it just stopped. I knew something what wrong so Eddison went up first with me following. Alissia was laying on her side, blood trickling down her face from a cut down her cheek, Still in front of the mirror where I left her. She had laboured breathing and I was so scared she was going to die. I quickly got her to the vets and they said it was something like an animal had got to her. Over the last few days, I have been staying at Eddison's as I am too scared to go home and too worried about Alissia to be on my own.