Alright, so I am not sure where to start so I will start with a little background on my story.
This was in 2012, in Rothschild Wisconsin, I had found out that the original "idea" for the movie poltergeist was based on a house a block over from mine. It explained a lot of phenomenon that happened in my home. So my stepfather is diagnosed with brain cancer, my family and I are looking for a house, we come upon a house in a nice neighborhood for a steal, it is 1200 a month for a 4 bed 3 bath home with everything you could want. It was built recently and just massive.
I have been here a little while and weird things happen like my stuff going missing, stuff turning on and off, and sounds of movement from different areas of the house. I had two siblings so I paid very little attention to it.
Well on this night I was home alone at 15 years old, I had my earphones in and was doing my homework when a black figure came crawling at me from my peripheral. It gave me a heart attack and I tell my black lab, Jake that he's an a**. Well low and behold my dog is with my parents!
Fast forward a couple weeks and I'm in the kitchen making myself a sandwich when I hear something burling down the stairs. I turn around and it rounds the corner from the stairs leading upstairs and there is what I can only describe as an oil black deformed spider man with no face. As soon as I made eye contact with it... It crawled at me with such swiftness that I couldn't react, and not going to lie guys, I peed myself. I called my best friend crying and waited outside until I she picked me up.
A few days later I found out about this part of town being on an Native American burial ground. So fast forward a few more weeks and I am sitting in the living room and I got this feeling of just dread, sadness, and defeat; and once again I hear something running upstairs from the basement. This time this thing didn't stop to look at me... It just ran at me, and I panicked. I didn't know what to do but that thing would of been on top of me within 3 seconds.
I finally told my mom that although my stepfather having cancer and needing treatment that is out of town; that she couldn't leave me home alone anymore, I felt safer even if I had someone with me, even my little siblings. Me being a person who liked being alone she didn't understand why. I finally told her thinking she would think I was crazy. Her eyes widened, I asked her what was wrong. Her response "I have been seeing the same thing Gabby, and I don't know what to do." I had never seen her so fearful.
Things just became worse. I haven't been able to find anything on this creature so if anyone knows anything please comment for me! My mom moved us out of the house shortly after when my sister claimed to be pushed down the stairs and my stepfather's cancer started progressing quickly. I tried to put as much detail into this as possible but I am very tired and started having nightmares of this thing again.