I was walking from the old studio to the mall nearby my old home. I took my Cajón along since I had to maintain it. It was late evening around 8ish. The wind was cool and the street was quiet, I had to walk home since the place where I am now is no longer close by the "free" car park (I think it was a free space but everyone just want to part their car there).
I sat on my Cajón and waited for the late bus at the bus station nearby the mall with fountain. No kids were around (no one was bullied, no one was hurt), not even small kids holding their mother's hands. I felt a warm wind (?) and felt as if someone was behind me, so I turned around. No one was there.
I heard strings inside my Cajón rattle a bit. I thought I saw a shadow, I kind of felt that the "boy" was around and so I asked, "Você está interessado no meu Cajón?" (Are you interested on my Cajón?). A strong wind blew at the same time the bus arrived. I rode on and kind of felt that the boy had smiled at me even if I don't see anyone physically.
Yes, I have thought to myself that I could be imagining things since it was a quiet night. The rattling could be explained as the contraction of the wood or something infect I was sitting on it so... Yes, not really ghostly after all. But all I want to ask here is that could a spirit communicate with us through our mind?
I mean, I know that they are "physically not there", but could they appear in our mind? Like a dream but not through our sleep. I know this "Ghostly A$$ Kicker" stories may sound off, and it may not be "him" this time but if "he" really is there could he have that much power? I have heard that spirits will become powerless through time, but what if some can gain power somehow?
Sorry for writing such a "no fun" story. I don't know if this is even an encounter but I hope to discuss such things through the comments if this story would suit this site.
Love from São Paulo
My friend has a hand-made cigar-box ukulele very melodic too!