I've lived in the same house for 19 years and for almost that long we have had a ghost cat that kneads on the bed sporadically. I've had houseguests that have also experienced the same sensation.
Lately, however, my spouse and I have both been glimpsing small black shapes very briefly, maybe once or twice a week. But then last night around 3:30 a.m. I was having a hard time sleeping, so I was semi-awake when something small (the cat?) jumped on the foot of the bed, ran the length of the bed, went around my head and to the floor. A few seconds later it jumped back up in attack mode. I didn't see or hear anything but I felt like I was being bitten and scratched like it was in a frenzy. It really hurt at that moment but then it was gone, and so was the pain.
I don't have a mark on me, but I'm scared to death to go to bed tonight. Could this have been our docile ghost cat? If so, what happened? I've had paranormal experiences several times in my life but they have never been threatening. I have never dealt with anything like this and am at a loss as to how to understand it. I would greatly appreciate any advice!
I've read some of the stories here searching for something similar but the closest I've found is several people being held down. That didn't happen to me. It all happened within a couple minutes. I don't know if it means anything but I was sleeping by myself last night. Also there has been no unusual stressors or other events lately that could have triggered something negative.