Hey all, I've been following YGS for a long time now and finally decided to share my own experiences. I've had many of them, some creepy and some funny. But, today I'll post my first ever encounter which introduced me to the other world. It dates back to 2008 or 2009 when I was probably 7 or 8 years old.
We'd some guests at our home and they had to sleepover because of the bad weather. They were given my room. I slept with my parents that night.
It was around 01:00 or so, past midnight. I wasn't able to sleep, I don't know why. I was just tossing in the bed. My parents were on either side of the bed so I was in the middle, probably lucky enough because it protected me.
I turned to my mother's side and there it was, a black shadow possibly staring me. It was all black, no eyes, no ears, no mouth or nose nothing.
I was shocked because nothing was there five minutes earlier. I wasn't able to move. And I was staring direct into it's face trying to figure out if it was my cousin playing a prank; but no, because I'd myself locked the door from inside.
Suddenly, that shadow or whatever it was tried to grab me. Luckily, at that time my mom put one of her arms around me like she knew what was going on. I felt peace at that and just shut my eyes tightly as possible, chanted a holy verse (being from a spiritual family my dad had made me learn some). It worked, I could feel it. I soon drifted to sleep. The moment I woke up next morning, I narrated this to my parents. They comforted me.
I still wonder what could've happened if my mom hadn't put her arm around me. That incident still gives me chills.