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House Puppy


We moved into a new house 3 years ago. A month or so ago, I was making coffee when I caught a glimpse of a white dog running past me into the passage. I though it was my dog as she tends to sneak into the house when I'm not looking. I called out to her and started searching but couldn't find her. I finally walked to the screen door leading outside (which was locked) and saw that she was lying sleeping. I just brushed the incident off. Since then I have seen the dog regularly and she appears to be a little white poodle.

Now my husband is a scaredy cat of note. Last weekend my stepson came for a visit and brought his 8 month old Jack Russel with him, her name is Mickey. While we were having lunch, he called for the puppy whereupon she jumped up onto his lap. At the same time, my husband saw a white dog run into the kitchen and under the table. There is no way, it could have been Mickey.

He finally believed what I had been telling him all along and being the scaredy cat he is insisted that I get rid of it. I, of course, refused as there is nothing scary about it. My stepson, being just as scared as his father, left in one h*ll of a hurry. He has since convinced himself that we were playing a practical joke on him.

Since seeing the "ghost" dog, my husband refuses to sit anywhere where he can see into the kitchen and will only sit in the kitchen when I am busy there.

Of couse, I find this extremely funny and I know its going to take a while to convince him that there is nothing to be afraid of. What is interesting is that I always see this little dog in broad daylight, usually around noon.

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annie16 (13 stories) (53 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-12)
Just an update. On Friday night, 8 June, I went to bed quite late. My hubby and step-son were still out as my husband was preparing for a classic car race on Saturday. When they finally got home around 23h30, I was still awake but fell asleep very quickly. Around 00h15 and 00h30, I woke up to the feeling of a puppy jumping onto the bed, walking up to behind my knees then making himself comfortable and then lying shivering (its very cold here at the moment). I sat up thinking it was my step-sons puppy as they were sleeping over but couldn't see anything. I swiped my hand over the bed where I felt the puppy but there was nothing. I settled down again and again I felt the puppy walk across my legs then settled down again and again I felt the shivering.

At this stage I got up and walked to my step-sons room to see if his puppy had come out but their door was closed. There was no way his puppy could have been in my room. At this stage it was 00h30 (I checked). Nothing happened when I finally went back to bed.

On Saturday night, when my step-son and hubby returned from the racing around 21h00 hours. My step-son was sitting on the carpet stroking his puppy as it lay in front of the heater. Suddenly he jerked his left arm inward and looked to his left. He then told me he saw a puppy brush by him as if it were also looking for attention.

Someone mentioned to me that maybe the ghost puppy is making itself more known when there are other puppies around. Could this be? My one dog did give birth to 3 puppies on Thursday and my step-son slept over with his puppy from Thursday through to Saturday. Of course, after he saw and felt the ghost puppy, he packed up and left in one H*ll of a hurry. 😁 😁 😁
Socracy5 (3 stories) (64 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-08)
Sure, I have a lot of encounters to share with. I was actually on a leave. I'm glad to hear you appreciated my previous post. Another one is on the way. I would be obliged if you'd care to share your opinion 😊.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-08)
Socracy5 - No problem! I thought you might have been joking but just in case you weren't, I wanted to set the record straight.

I have only now noticed that you submitted a rather interesting experience.

Looking forward to hearing more from you πŸ˜‰

Regards, Melda
Socracy5 (3 stories) (64 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-07)
Oh Melda I apologize if I offended you in any way, I was just kidding too.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-07)
Socracy5 - Not an evil thought at all - just a joke, which I'm sure the OP understands.

Regards, Melda
Socracy5 (3 stories) (64 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-07)
Lol Melda, quite a evil thoughtπŸ˜…. I don't think I'm fortunate enough to own a poodle, or even a Jack Russell. But I used to have a Labrador whom I considered as my best buddy. I was so obsessed with my labo (it was her name), that I always nag my parents to let me sleep with her,

Years passed like that and I became a teenager and labo turned older, she even stopped taking her meals regularly and she didn't remained that lively she used to be, I actually couldn't do anything for her. After a checkup she was diagnosed with an illness and didn't had much time left, my parents never told me about it cause they knew I'll be sad, and then one day she passed away, it was probably the most devastating moment for me.

But though she is not with me now she left me with a responsibility to take care of her offsprings, and now each one them is a grown up and surprisingly look exactly like their mother.
I believe that poodle in your house maybe still attached his/her master. It's just a personal belief though;)
annie16 (13 stories) (53 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-05)
What a brilliant idea Melda. I will keep this in mind in future.😁.
AugustaM, I also had a poodle many years ago and they are precious little animals, I have to agree with you there. My husband however, believes that a jack russel is the best dog ever so this is what I have now. 5 of them.
What is strange though is that this little dog is only seen during the day and maybe this is why I never noticed her before. I work full time and weekends are usualy very busy.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-04)
I was practically raised by a miniature white poodle and would have loved (would still love) to have a visit from her! Having been fortunate enough to have lived with her for my first sixteen years and having known many others lucky enough to have had a poodle in their lives- I have to say they are incredibly sensitive, loving, intelligent and devoted little beings. Ours was connected to my mother on so many levels. It little surprises me that one has had the will to come back as a spirit. Perhaps you or your pup resemble a human or dog to which she was attached in life. ❀

I am glad you don't want to get rid of her. ❀
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-04)
Annie - I wouldn't try to get rid of the little dog either. It'll probably leave by itself eventually.

You say you've lived in the house for three years and the dog only put in an appearance about a month ago. I wonder why that is. A few of my animals visited me but it was always within a few weeks after they had died, then gradually their visits subsided.

I too have a husband who's allergic to anything paranormal. Use the little dog to your advantage - threaten to set it on him when he becomes annoying 😊

Regards, Melda

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