Around 8 years ago, in 2010, my family and I went on a trip to Europe. I was about 8 at the time, but nonetheless excited to visit different attractions.
I have always been somewhat interested in spooky/macabre areas, despite not thoroughly believing in ghosts or the occult. I used to be an extremely strong skeptic in anything involving ghosts, but this experience changed my mind.
Anyways, we were visiting the Tower of London. It was summertime, and was a bright, clear day. We had been walking around the Tower for a while, and finally made our way to the White Tower. I was trailing a few feet behind my mother, looking around and generally observing the interesting scenery.
Then, suddenly, I heard a small boy's voice whisper softly.
"We just wanted to live," it spoke, voice laden with a melancholy tone.
I was confused at first. Looking around the area, I was virtually the only child around- and there wasn't anyone close enough to me to be able to whisper in my ear like that.
I heard the voice again.
"We were so young. Why did we have to die?"
I was spooked for a second, but being in a well-lit, populated area calmed my nerves. I immediately thought that this was some sort of stunt set up by the workers at the Tower, as we had just passed some informational signs about the murder of the princes.
In order to prove my hypothesis, I looked around the area, searching for any speakers that could have made the noise. None were visible to me, but I was aware that speakers could be small or hidden.
So, I waited around for a few more minutes, wanting to see if the noise would play again. Nothing happened. I even walked in and out of the area I had heard it in, seeing if it was perhaps motion sensor. Still nothing.
Eventually, my family walked out of the area, and I followed them as I was too young to be on my own. I said nothing to my parents at the time, as I still believed it was some sort of trick to scare visitors. I was, as previously mentioned, a strong skeptic in anything mystical or ghostly, so I refused to believe it was the specters of the murdered boys.
I then clearly remember going on to tour the rest of the white tower, so it could not have been a dream. I was fully awake and present, and did not feel sick or dizzy at the time.
Some more unusual things happened later that day. After leaving the Tower of London and walking around the stores, I began to feel very ill. Despite being in good health earlier that morning, I had suddenly gotten a bad fever. I had to go back to our hotel, and was sick for the rest of the day, but the illness cleared up almost as quickly as it had set in. I am not sure if this spontaneous fever is related to my experience, but it could not hurt to mention it.
A couple years later, that clear voice still stuck in my mind, so I went online to research if the Tower had any speakers or tricks relating to the Princes. Nothing seemed to match my story, and now that I am older I am wondering if it truly was the spirits of those murdered boys that were trying to contact another child their age.
If anyone else has had any experiences with the Princes in the Tower, feel free to let me know.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Aporetic mentioned their bones weren't the first. Very sad.
I found this link if you want to know more.
SWS 😘 ❤ 😘