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Real Ghost Stories

The Old Man In The Car Parking


This happened last year in the month of December when I was working in Sohna Road, Gurgaon. Like everyday I reached office at around 10:30am and entered in my tower's basement car parking area but, as I was late that day so couldn't find the parking anywhere. The guard asked me to go to the other tower and park my car. Unaware of the fact that what was going to happen with me next, I entered in the 2nd tower's parking in the basement. Luckily after searching the entire basement 1 and 2 I finally got the space in basement 3. I parked my car, came out and I clicked the picture of the pillar which was just next to my car to remember the exact place as I parked my car in that parking basement for the first time.

The moment I clicked the picture I was stunned for a moment as I saw a shadow figure of an old man in the image. Somehow I managed to think that this might be a lens issue and I started walking towards the lift area. The moment I stepped forward someone slapped me tightly from the back and when I looked back there was no one there. I was extremely terrified and confused whatever happened to me. Without thinking anything else even for a second I ran from that place and somehow managed to came out of that tower.

Now the day passed as usual and that time came when again I had to go to that same place to get my car, so I decided to take a guard with me, and I was shocked to know that the guard was also scared to go in the basement 3 with me. I asked why, then he answered that there has been a spirit of an old guy who has been haunting this basement since long.

The Old Man In The Car Parking 1
The Old Man In The Car Parking 2

I explained everything to the guard whatever happened with me in the morning. That guard called another 2 guards and we all 4 went to get my car as after getting the confirmation from the 1st guard I was too scared to go to that same place. I still get shivers whenever I think of this experience.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Aarti1988, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-29)
Hey Artie, and welcome to YGS 😊 I can see what looks to be an older man in your photo, that has a beard and mustache. It's crazy how you captured this by accident. I've noticed since I've joined this site, that it seems like a good bit of people in India (and other places outside of the US) seem to get sick somehow after in countering a spirit 😕 I find it very interesting how much it seems to happen, and don't really understand why this is, because from what I've experienced personally, and heard of others in the US, it doesn't seem to be an issue here 😕 I wonder why this is. Aside my curiosity over that, I enjoyed reading about your experience, and seeing the photo you captured. Thanks for sharing your experience with us here.
Martin (602 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-11-29)
Note: some new photos provided by the author have been published 📷
JacobNightStalker92 (6 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-26)
I was wondering if you'd be interested in allowing me to use this on a new youtube channel I'm starting up, solely focused on real life ghost stories? I think it's fabulous and just what I'm looking for in terms of content!
Thank you very much,
Aarti1988 (1 stories) (4 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-18)
Hi Apo, Yes after that day I got very sick for a week. In the entire day I used to be absolutely fine but at night I used to get high fever. This continued for a week and then I told this incident to my mother and she immediately took me to the temple for purification.
Ravishingroxy (4 stories) (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-18)
Dear arti... M more worried abt u goin down that lonely basement parking eith four security guards 😳 😳 😳...after all the sexual harassment n rape cases we hear abt Gurgaon... Take care... Starting to feel threat from the supernatural is easier to handle.
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Thanks Aarti, that makes more sense, and like said, it was probably a language problem as English is not your mother tongue.

Are you still working in that building? Has anything else happened since you saw the image of the old man in the photo?

I forgot to mention - something I'd never even thought of doing - taking a picture of something to identify where you're parked was very smart. I must remember this when next I'm in an unfamiliar parking area.

Thanks again.

Aarti1988 (1 stories) (4 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
This incident happened in Spaze IT Park, tower B Parking, Sohna Road
Aarti1988 (1 stories) (4 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
Hello Sushant, The picture that I clicked it was very clear and was showing a clear shadow of an old man.
Aarti1988 (1 stories) (4 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-17)
[at] aporatic Hello, shadow of an old man meant when I clicked the picture I saw a clear image of an old man in that picture only. And at that day I arrived at around 12 o clock, my mistake that I didn't mentioned that in my story. Hope that clears your doubts.
Gj2005ster (9 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
Many of the places in gurgaon seems haunted one 😢 be safe... By the way which building you talking about here?
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
Greetings, Aarti

I would also like to know how you determined the shadow was that of an old man, as you stated in your narrative: "The moment I clicked the picture I was stunned for a moment as I saw a shadow figure of an old man in the image."

As I'm recovering from having cataracts removed from my right eye and am currently seeing only shadows through my right eye (when I place a hand over my left eye). I'm not able to discern any details of the shadows, except that they're either dark or light, so you being able to identify the shadow as an old man baffles me.

Also, you state that you arrive at your office building around 10:30am every day, but follow up that you were late. "Like everyday I reached office at around 10:30am and entered in my tower's basement car parking area but, as I was late that day so couldn't find the parking anywhere." Of course, this could be a language comprehension issue and I don't mean to offend you. I'm confused and will appreciate you clarifying these sections in your narrative.

Did the guards tell you about definite experiences from the old man they believe haunts the parking area? Perhaps he used to work in the building and his slap on your back was a greeting or him 'telling you' to have a lovely day. Since nothing sinister happened, I'd like to think he's a friendly spirit, who's a bit too spirited in his greeting.

Thanks for sharing.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-16)
Hello Arti! & Welcome to YGS.

I am bit confused reading "I was stunned for a moment as I saw a shadow figure of an old man in the image", I would like to know when the image was shadowy, how did you identified that the image was of an old man as you further wrote "Somehow I managed to think that this might be a lens issue" which also indicated that image was pretty much detrioted or say was of very poor quality.
It would be appreciated if you could clear my doubts.


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