I'm struggling with what does it mean? Is it safe? Is there anyone else out there experiencing what I am, cause I feel alone.
I've been communicating with ghosts with yes and no answers for about a year now. They touch me and stroke, mainly on the legs and feet but have pretty well touched everywhere with a request. The right side is yes and the left no.
It's a constant relationship of none stop questions... Questions like "can you go on an airplane? The answer No. "Can you orgasm?" again No. "Can you taste?" also No but they can sure smell and love essential oils. You can feel the bottle tremor a bit as they smell. "Are you happy?" No. "Do you like Eminem?" Yes. "Did you overdose?" Yes.
The one ghost loves tv and some music, she nods a lot if she likes and I add it to a playlist. If she goes too long without tv she completely ignores me until it is on. I'll be thinking about the show as I watch and will get these little nods and shakes as replies to my thoughts, it's like watching tv with someone except they read your mind.
I don't know if they can only communicate with me cause my aura is weakened or something, I had some heavy drug use and wasn't spiritual at all, I thought maybe I damaged it. Is it because they are sucking my energy away? Just something they like about me? I dunno! They shut down when I ask these questions. I didn't believe in ghosts one bit before this.
They follow me like they have nothing else to do and mainly touch me when I lay down and everything is still, I've come to enjoy the company unless they keep me awake, such a piss off when they do that.
Anyway, that is my story of my ghost friends, if you can relate or have heard of anything similar please please comment!
Yes I have orgasmed and by doing nothing but let it touch me.
I mean I can ask it to say touch my arm and it will or stick it's fingers in my mouth which feels funny
. I've wondered if it was due to drug use but I'm not hearing things and it's impossible to ignore. Sometimes I get right pissed off cause they won't stop touching me. I've seen the hairs move where I am being touched, they kind of curl over.
Also there is the high pitched sound like a shrill. I can ask them to talk and I hear it and to stop and the sound stops. I thought I was crazy. I can feel the hand or even it lay on my chest I can feel the head and its head nod yes or no. It can't be my imagination. I know it;s not muscle spasms.
Yes I've heard that you should help them move on. I asked and it said it chose to be here. I asked if it was happy and I got a no.
I know they are around cause she sits where ever I do. Sometimes I'll be sitting in a chair or couch and totally forget about them and I feel it shake a little and its her wiggling.
I don't really know where I bumped into them but the first touch was in a park I was watching the fish and felt touch on my chest.
That led me to tripping out in my bed cause I kept getting touched. You can feel them move around on the bed they weigh something cause I got her to sit on my leg and lean... To the left and lean to the right. My mind couldn't make this up.