This story pretty much sum up what I'm experiencing now. This happened last February and is been happening until now. Out of the corner of my eye, I would see shadows passing by. One time, I was plugging in the internet when I saw a shadow of what appears to be a kid pass by my window. I looked outside and there was no one there. I told my brother about this and he said maybe it was the neighbor's kid playing tricks on me.
Another time I was doing the laundry when, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw two freakish black like shadow hands reach out from the folded clothes. I immediately turn around to look but it was gone. This scared the crap out of me and made me turn all the lights on inside the apartment. It would also happen when I'm putting the folded clothes in the closet.
This happens quite a lot so my parents insisted on me consulting a psychiatrist thinking I may have been developing some kind of mental illness. Good news is that, I was negative on all tests except for depression and anxiety.
So the doctor gave me some pills saying it would take care of the shadows I've kept on seeing. Well I guess the pills ain't working because I still see them. The doctor doesn't believe me when I say that maybe some kind of paranormal activity is going on. She keeps on insisting that it's because of my depression and anxiety. But honestly, I'm good at all and don't feel depressed or nervous or anything. Does any of you experience this as well? If so feel free to leave a comment.
Thanks for reading and more powers to YGS!
Hi, I just wanted to say that I'm experiencing the same thing as you. (at least I think so)
I'm half Filipina and my mom is a full filipina, ever since I was a toddler I have been in contact with spirits, but it went overboard one day when I was around 5,so my mom took me back to the Philippines (we live in Sweden) so my grandmother could do some kind of cleaning on me and let's just say that was a long process cause I was there for 6 months.
Anyways ever since, I don't have that much contact with the spirit world anymore. The only thing I can see is shadow people and sometimes talk with them. They don't seem to want to leave me alone