For a little insight, I can say I've handled lucid dreaming well. It's natural to me to realize I'm dreaming instantly and can manipulate things within my dream. But when it turns to nightmares, it gets bad.
I was just lying down and watching YouTube on my phone, waiting for sleepiness to kick in, until I fell asleep, the only vivid thing I remember is riding a military jeep (we have one) and I was on the edge of the backseat, the windows weren't sealed. I was aware, and I just thought it was a recycled memory of me and my family going somewhere or in this case, going home cause it was already dark, we were at a highway, turning there were two roads and we turned left. There no lamp posts, we only rely on the headlights. As we turned left, from the grassfields emerges three Shadow figures, as if one blob all stuck together, the only way I knew they were three is because of their distinct white glowing eyes and I immediately felt like I wanted to avoid them but it was too late I had eye contact with as I turn around.
They were heading to where we came from, but one headed straight for me, headed straight for me, I felt him on my back as if he was climbing on the jeep and hovering over my back. Now I'm trying to wake myself up, turning into a sleep paralysis, now aware of my sorrow dings but I can still feel him on back, and it even pressed its weight on my butt two times? It was getting heavy on me and wriggled my body as best as I could to wake up.
I was too scared to take off my blankets cause I felt like someone was in my room. I stayed awake (fearing that I might go back to the same dream and meet the figures) and I started hearing breathing whispers and footsteps as it someone was walking around. It was unusual since I live with people who sleep strictly early. It was just 1 am.
I've been asking my friends who believes in the unnatural about it, and says they've never heard of shadow people with white eyes. I've only heard bad things about these shadow people.
I wonder if anyone out there had the same encounter I did, or if anyone could explain this experience. Feel free to reach out!