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A Dying Language Saved Me


I'm happy with the response to my other stories, yet it must be said that it hasn't been all bad with me, some encounters have just been, well, miraculous. But before I go on, I'd like to thank all those who have left me comments. I will get back to you all shortly, probably through the site or via e mail. I do promise to respond though, just been busy.

This story I'm about to write is about how the irish language saved my life when I was 15. And I've never forgotten the kind words that saved me. You all know them to. But I'll tell the story first.

My friend paul and I had just finished a great game of football in the phoenix park, and now we were sitting down on his front lawn drinking gallons of water (it was a hot August) and resting our soon to be aching bones. I stretched myself out, flat on my back and looked towards the reddening sky. Or heavens now as I call it instead of sky. I held a smoke between my lips and took a very long pull on it. Without removing the cigarette from my lips, I blew the smoke out and watched it dance towards the heavens. Then I heard the oddest thing, Irish. Not the word, the language (You should know before I continue on that only one percent of Irish speak their own language on a regular basis)

Gabh mo leithscéal (GOVV muh LAH-shkayl), An bhfuil Gaelige agat? (on will Gwhale-ga agg-ut?) Excuse me, do you speak Irish?

Sea (Shah) Yes, I responded as I propped myself up on my elbows and looked down the length of my body towards an eldery man standing at the garden gate. Who the hell are you talking to? I'd forgotten Paul was even beside me. Normally I wouldn't have responded to a ghost so quickly without first looking about, to see who was around me. Yet on this occasion I had. It made sense later.

I turned to Paul and promised to explain it to him, later on, then turned back to my visitor and asked, Conas atá tú? (CONN-us a-TAW too?) How are you?

Táim go maith, go raibh maith agat. (TAW'm guh MOH, GUH REV MOH agg-UT) I'm fine, thank you.

Paul sat looking at me as if I had twenty heads, but I continued talking to this gent, not knowing why it was so improtant that I did so, just feeling that it was.

He took a step in towards me and said Cén t-ám é? (Cane Tahm a?) Le do thoil. (Leh duh Hull) What's the time please? I looked at my watch and was just about to give it to him when he was right in front of me and shouted Bí curamach! (BEE KOOR-muk!) Look out! Paused, then said Dia is Muire Duit (DEE-a iSS MIRR-a Gwit) May God and Mary be with you. This took me by surprise. Not the fact that he was screaming at me, but, his last sentence. This is actually a greeting. It's how you say hello to someone in Irish who has already said hello to you. It was also said with a slight warning tone. Then, as usual, he was gone. I sat there a while longer looking in the direction the old man had appeared. Then I just got up, went into Paul's house and ate my dinner. The visitor had left me slightly shaken, and also warm hearted. He was a pleasant if somewhat strange visitor. I did explain to Paul my gift, who shrugged it off with disinterest, but he believes me now, as a mate would, without conviction. Its easier for some people to continue believing the world is flat.

I left his house close to ten o clock that evening, and started my long journey home. His house was located on blackhorse avenue, some 40 minutes from my home in Cabra. As I was walking (I decided to go through the park and up onto my road through Dunnard estate) I heard something moving beside me. The park is full of foxes, deer, rabbits and badgers, so I thought nothing of it. Until I heard a clicking noise/sound coming from my left. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face this obtuse sound. It certainly did not belong with the other sounds of the park. What I saw I will take to the grave. It stood 4 feet tall, sloped over, so I would guess it would be taller, and had its arms dragging on the ground. It was just an outline of course, but so very real. I took a step back and heard a small, growl I guess, that's the only way to explain it, so I stopped again. I'm done for is all I thought. This thing wasn't letting me get anywhere without it's permission. And it didn't seem like it was going to give it.

When I looked back on it later on, there wasn't any other sounds around the two of us. Everything was silent. That's when I heard the words again, Dia is Muire Duit! I remembered the old man and his warning. But didn't know what he had meant. "Oh God help me" I spoke. The thing stepped back slightly. My mind was racing now. Don't think that I have ever been as clear headed in my whole life as I was in these few moments, but I started saying the Hail mary. It wasn't working. The creature started towards me. Moving over leaves and fallen branches. Its image becoming clearer (I would describe it but I'll leave you with this instead, Remember your worst nightmare and multiply it by 50, that's what this thing was starting to look like) I was panicking now. Every part of me wanted to run away, but I was held fast.

Then I closed my eyes (I was actually waiting for the worst to happen) and said the Ár nAthair (are en-ah-her) the Our Father, in Irish. When I opened my eyes, everything had changed. I was, alone. The space in front of me empty. Nothing around me. I started to think I'd imagined it until I heard Go H-anamhaith ar fad! (Guh hawn a whah aer fawd) Well done. It was the old mans voice. I couldn't see him, but the warmth was there. I went home and slept well. I've never forgotten that experience the same way I've never forgotten any of them, but that's a nice one with some heritage. I'm happy to know my own language and I thank God every time I visit his home for my savior ghost.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, alanon80, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

EffieMac (1 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-23)

I think the man was trying to warn you in a way he knew would stick in your head witch quite evidently it did:)

Effie xo
tempestmoong (3 stories) (33 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-24)

Both my husband's family and my own come from Ireland and neither of us speak the language.

Frankly no one in our families does, but since reading your story I actually found an app for my phone and am attempting to learn it.

It made me sad to know that so few people know their own language, it was wrong of the English to force it out of the people. 😢
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-24)
Very cool! I have some family that still lives in Ireland, I do not know if they speak the language but I will ask now and I will want to learn it! Thank you for sharing such a terrifying yet blissful experience! 😊
louisem3471 (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-21)
hi alanon80. I think your story was great. And your also not the only person over the years to encounter such a demon... There is an old story about these demons and why they appear to some people. Its about a long line of family and one particular member in that family that made a deal with the devil for fortune or some other personal gain, and this demon is sent back to collect payment (a soul) of a loved one. But it only takes the weaker mail, someone gullible or nieve. You were extremely lucky to have an angel on your side who could give you a warning... Your blessed
Kelly128 (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Hello There! Very interesting story. Its cool that you weren't freaked out about the old guy talking to you id be kind of freaked out. [: well cool story.
Loganz_sis (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
alanon80 > Well done, you tell them my friend!

I think people who are really interested in paranormal and are here to learn or share will focus on what your story has to offer regarding the paranormal... This is not a site to start fights on language, race or religion. It defeats the purpose of being here if all they look for is - who to judge next!

Super story feels very sincere:)
alanon80 (5 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
I have never had so many comments on one story before, have to admit it feels great. However, for those like Orflaith and aquamarine, long walk short pier. For Aquamarine, wow giving a person a grammar lesson online just to post up a comment, tut tut. It might interest you to know that this spirit did speak other words, but considering that I am writing, albeit a true story, I will of course leave out what is not needed and try and keep the language simple, the same as the English in my story. I can take criticism and openly accept it, but your poisonous jabs at the language, commenting nothing on the story and it's other more interesting content, leaves me with little doubt that you are not on this site for anything relevant or worthwhile. You are the soulless critics that I despise. Furthermore, as you comment so negatively towards me with the intent to hurt my feelings, I rebuke with, How sad that you signed up on Christmas Day. That must be a lonely life you lead. Just a thought. As I said to your partner of cyber-circumstance, have the stones to put up your own personal experiences and if you don't, without reiterating a previous expression, if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.
aquamarine (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-25)
A leithead de raiméis! Tá sé soiléir nach bhfuil a lán gaeilge agat (agus ag an taibhse ach an oiread!)

Strange that the ghost had very basic Irish, he could say 'Hello', 'What time is it' and 'Be careful' He was very polite asking you how you were, did he ask you any other rudimentary questions 'as gaeilge' that any primary school child could answer!

He asked you did you speak Irish and you responded 'Sea. You obviously can't. If asked a question starting 'An bhfuil' you should have responded 'Tá' nó 'Níl.

You're happy to know your own language? - níl cliú dá laghad agat!
Aontaím go hiomlán leis an méid atá ráite ag Orthlaith.
alanon80 (5 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
To Galway Girl: Please feel free to use my story for any occasion you see fit. I do have loads of stories with Irish cultural elements in them but I won't post them all here. Use the Coshta Bower one it is one I am closest to. Sorry for delay in writing been studying to become a Youth worker and have succeeded. Feel free to write whenever you want.

To orfhlaith: You seriously need to tone yourself down. What I wrote is not without research. One percent of the population use Irish as a first language, another five percent use it professionally and a further four percent, who are 17 or below years of age, use it academically but only in class. The one percent is a regular basis approach and have no other use for it other than communication. Furthermore I am sure you would have been all too happy to have your holier than thou comment translated for me but I need no help from you, subsequently, the language, until recently, was dying out but thanks to an influx of Irish speaking schools it can be regenerated. In addition, allow me to give you an english lesson. Dying is a word whose meaning is different to dead. I never said it was dead or implied such a thing. Dead meaning gone, no more, no longer existing and to further prove the difference, and why I chose dying instead of dead, no longer in use as a sole means of oral communication, is a far cry different to dying, on the way out, coming to a close, the act of coming to an end and expiring. Also, if you are going to comment the way you have on my page and any other persons page I suggest you put up stories of your own. If you have none, then don't comment as a smack in the mouth often offends (that is meant verbally in case you bring it to another place).

To Emily: thank you for your kind comment and thankfully as I stated above Ireland has once again looked towards it's predecessors and is opening more and more Irish speaking schools each day. This is to my delight and will gladly change the title when the day to do so arrives. I will be publishing more stories soon, best of luck to you and galway girl
orfhlaith (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-27)
[at] moomoo, what I said was:
Did you use google translate, because you should not use it, it's not reliable at all [it's really just a gimmick, in terms of Irish at least, it has no capacity for the nuances, mutations and irregularities of the language and so what it comes out with is usually a pile of crap - some right words but in the wrong order etc] but I also said to keep up the classes and your Irish will come on, there will be nothing like it for a true sense of identity as an Irish person.

[at] Emily: NO IT'S NOT DYING and only ignorant people like the poster of this story would purport that it is.
emily1010 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
I always use google tranlater! Great story, Is the language really dying though?
moomoomilk (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
Can you translate the below? Sorry I'm not very good my neighbour helped me on my post, lol xD
orfhlaith (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
moomoomilk (1 stories) (10 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
As Gailge:
orfhlaith (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)
Sa ch
galwaygirl (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-17)
Hi Alanon,

That's an amazing story and I LOVE how you're really captivating the usefulness of the irish language in everyday life. I'm actually wondering if you can help me. I'm a VERY new Irish teacher and I want to plan some classes for next Friday (the last day in the term before Halloween) that have a spooky theme so my students can enjoy Irish while learning. Would you mind if I translated your story and we looked at it in class? And do you have any other stories that have anything to do with ANY part of Irish culture? Thanks a million
Jookie (3 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
what a wonderful story. The language is beautiful. (yes I did try to pronounce it out aloud)

Be safe and god bless 😁
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-25)
Hi, Alanon that was an awesome story. Love the way you wrote and described this being. It didn't seem like a demon more like what Frawin said an Elemental. That kind Gentlemen you had met must have been a relative that knew you were in danger. Am glad you came out of it ok, Katherine.
scaryboy (2 stories) (117 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-31)
hello alanone it is like reading an adventure comic online how come that sounds help you and this might be day dream in sense as you have narrated
Scary boy 🤔
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-06)
alanon80, what a lovely story. I'm thinking you might not have thought so as you were experiencing it! That would definitely scare the bejeezus out of you! Do you think it's possible that the old gentleman (how else can you describe him?) was a relative? He may have been watching you all along. I really enjoyed your story and I certainly agree, very well written. Thanks so much for sharing your story, I'm looking forward to your others.
Athena (9 stories) (222 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-05)
I would love to know who you sense the old man is? Also, if you contact me (email is on my profile) I would like to ask for your translation...

Other thoughts... Are you are an exceptional writer.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-05)
Hi alanon,
I would like to also add that this sounds Elemental. Nature based. Sylphs, Salamanders, Undines, and Gnomes make up the Nature based beings. There are subcategories to all of these, but it would probably be better for you to search them out as you could put a picture to the Being.
I would also think that this elderly gentleman with the Irish dialect was there for your protection. Not necessarily a guide, but to keep you from harm just the same.
Thank you.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-04)
How fascinating! What a wonderful gift! What a wonderful language as well.

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

God Bless!
Anna12 (1 stories) (44 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-03)
Interesting story. I will agree with FRAWIN, the "thing" you encountered must've been an elemental. Elementals could be some of these: gnomes, faeries, pixies, etc. You get my drift. 😉
Thanks for the story
alanon80 (5 stories) (7 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-02)
For tonith: talking irish, will leave out the conufusion of scottish gaelic. That's why I said it like that. As for different dialects, he looked like a recent enough ghost, 1920s clothing. Just didn't want to throw that into the story, itd get a bit boring otherwise if I gave a full description. But why oh why I ask myself did he speak Irish/Gaelic. That's what I have never gotten. The way he dressed suggested he should be from an era were the irish continent was fluent in english. Also I'm positive I wasn't dreaming because even though I don't write it in the story I continued on walking and talking after meeting him. If it was a dream it would have suddenly stopped and that id know about and certainly write. Thanks for reading man, I have another story coming up shortly. Do you have any stories of your own?
And Frawin: an elemental it was. A nasty looking one also. And why any of this happens remains to be seen. My next story should interest you very much its called "a forgotten soul, and the coshta bower" hopefully up shortly. Thank you for reading
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-02)
Tonith, An Elemental is a nature spirit, not necessarily classified as a demon but known to have a nasty attitude. They come in all shapes and sizes. Wikipedia has a nice article on them.

Tonith (1136 posts)
17 years ago (2008-02-02)
I have never heard that expression Elemantal what is it? Does this have something to do with demon spirits?
I guess you could have been dreaming the first time and didn't realize it but the second time you were wide awake and walking so that leaves out a waking dream. Do you think it's odd that the spirit knew the same dialect as you did? I'm sure there are many dialects. I also have never heard the expression talking Irish. I have only ever heard it referred to as speaking Gaelic. Great story I enjoyed it.
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-02-02)
Hello alanon80.I'm no expert by any means but it sounds like what you encountered on the way home was some kind of Elemental and the old man was preparing you for that encounter. Why it happened remains to be seen. Thanks for sharing your story. Take Care.


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