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Grocery Store Ghost?


I'm a regular suburban mom who makes 3-4 trips to the grocery store each week... Usually the same store, and I've been shopping there for over 20 years since it was built. Starting about two years ago, I've had 5-6 experiences with items coming off the shelves near me. The first one I remember well because the store was very quiet that day and a bag of refrigerated bagels about 8 feet in front of me dove off to the floor. It did not just fall down off the shelf, but went out 2-4 feet beyond the refrigerator case onto the floor. It was immediately strange to me. I picked it up and probably mumbled something to myself like, "Ok, weird."

I don't remember what the next couple items/dates were, but I do remember just afterwards once talking to a woman, an older stranger, about the phenom. I think she could see some expression on my face and asked if I was ok, and I told her that every now and then things just fly off shelves near me. She gave me some Bible verse that in her mind explained it perfectly well. She was quite nice and I remember coming home and looking up the verse and it was something... Pertinent (it's fuzzy in my mind though, which over the years I've found with things that seem's as if we are not SUPPOSED to be able to remember them with the clarity we normally have). I do believe God hooks me up with random people every so often for really good reasons, not to be sidetracked...

The latest time something strange occurred was less than a year ago. I was almost finished shopping and was choosing my bread -- again, the store was quite empty -- when I felt something hit the back of my legs. Well, the bread shelves face the produce area in this store, and when I looked down, there were onions bouncing off the back of my legs, having rolled or flown at least 6-8 feet across the space (this is not a small market, but a spacious suburban one). I looked up to see a woman standing at least 28 feet away at the end of the aisle and she said, "I saw that, I was looking right at it! Those onions just flew off and hit you!" We were maybe two of three people in that entire area. I sort of laughed and said to the woman, "Oh, it's the attack of the onions... But really, did you SEE them? Did they roll? That was weird, right?" And she stood there sort of stunned, which caused me to laugh it off mostly. But inside I'm thinking, wow, this is starting to be a pattern.

I can think of a couple things of significance that could be related. First, we're in a very historic area with lots of Civil War battlefields and energy. In 1864, there were over 120, 000 Union troops mired in the mud in our specific area, with skirmishes everywhere, including right where our homes are today. Also, once on what would have been my late husband's birthday, I had spoken out loud to him in the car on my way to the store (having just remembered). By the time I walked into the store, I was thinking clearly about my shopping, not my deceased husband, but as I got my basket realized the song playing in the lobby/store was one that I always associated with him (the Janet Jackson song about an angel...don't even know the name, it's from the early 90s... And hardly EVER plays). And finally, this never happened to me before my mom died six years ago. I do have many dead people (I joke) but, my first husband, dad, mom, step dad, some funny aunts and grandparents... There's no telling with me, could be any of them! Have had many other experiences, but the grocery store venue seems so unlikely, just wondered what you all think? It's never malicious-feeling, more like trying to get my attention. Many thanks for your thoughts.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MrsRamsay, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
6 years ago (2019-09-11)
I love this story and can relate! I had a window decoration just "jump" in the sink one morning while making coffee?! I also heard my moms favorite Eagles song come on the radio as I was passing the street she used to live on before she died. I just found this site from a book I was reading and also have stories about family members that have passed away. I truly believe it is someone you know trying to get your attention. 😊 Great story, thanks for sharing. ❤
Bru (5 posts)
6 years ago (2019-08-20)
So glad I could help! Janet was fanominal back then. They don't make music like they used to.
MrsRamsay (guest)
6 years ago (2019-08-14)
OMG, THANK YOU! I could never remember the name of the song and I went and watched her awesome video (which I had not seen)! The minute it started I got such a chill, and this incredibly happy feeling, and all the lyrics are so perfect. We used to go dancing a lot when he was alive and I don't know if this was one of the songs we danced to or what... I know it was never on my radar until AFTER he died. Wasn't Janet great back then?!
Bru (5 posts)
6 years ago (2019-08-07)
I know the exact song you're talking about. It's called "Together Again" by Janey Jackson. It's one of my favorites from when I was a child. 😉
MrsRamsay (guest)
6 years ago (2019-08-03)
Charles, that sounds pretty scary! I'm picturing the camp/cabins where my kids have gone and I know my daughters would have been a bit spooked. Hope yours was all right?
CharlesK (1 posts)
6 years ago (2019-08-03)
My daughter had an experience at camp last week that reminds me of yours. She arrived to camp early one morning and went to her cabin to hang up her bag. There was nobody else there. She noticed that there were small rubber bouncy balls on the floor as she walked in. As she turned around to hang up her bag she heard the noise of balls bouncing around and felt a ball hit her foot. She turned around and saw balls rolling around on the floor. There was nobody there. I wonder what happened.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-29)
I really liked this one. I laughed at the onions. I think they were just there and easy for ghostie to throw. Could be a relative or something/one else. I have heard a few stories where people actually died in a store for one reason or another. Maybe you are a magnet to those that pass over.
MrsRamsay (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-25)
I think I can crop the photo so it doesn't reveal my kids (they would probably not want to see themselves on a paranormal website, no offense, YGS!) I'll try to submit a couple. I don't really think the items that came off the shelves were significant, just maybe the time and place (and my quiet surroundings) were right. You know they say that time between sleep and wake is right for discerning "things" and perhaps that zombie way moms feel when they've already been to the store three times that week and now here they are again and just, ZZZZZ ZZZZ... Might be one of those between sleep/waking moments! I had not thought of that. Other paranormal times for me have been when I am painting a room, concentrating on writing (I'm a former columnist), at Civil War battlefields, at an ATM machine (the night my husband died) and through other, unexpected media type situations. I hope I'll be able to write some more down. I've thought about writing a book! But I'm most interested to hear what people here think. They/you seem to know much more about these things. Thank you for your sympathies...I've had some wonderful people in my life and miss them thoroughly, but I've always somehow known they are with me at various times. I feel that way about ancestors as well (I'm a huge Ancestry nut).
WisconsinLady (1 stories) (52 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-25)
I meant to say earlier that I'm sorry to hear that you've lost so many loved ones.
I also had unexplainable occurrences at my wedding. I'd love to see your pictures, but understand if you don't want to share them for privacy reasons. That would be a wonderful story for this site. It's very cute that her veil landed in her sister's fiance's lap... A sign of approval maybe? ❤ 😁
I was thinking about the specific food at the store that moves on you... Are these anyone's favorite foods? They could be showing you they're with you by picking things they like, maybe?
MrsRamsay (guest)
6 years ago (2019-07-24)
Great questions, WL. Yes, I have felt things both at home and elsewhere. Once at home, I know this will sound weird, I was writing at my computer, bright daylight, and the ceiling fan in the adjacent living room started making some noise... Sort of a fluttering that it has never made before or since. It was enough that I stopped what I was doing to stare at it and the whole room felt weird. At my eldest daughter's wedding, which was held outdoors on a perfectly still evening, I noticed the birds stopped singing and things got extremely quiet. The minister had been droning just a bit about something and the moment was just before the vows were going to be said. I'm sitting in the front row and sort of above the bride and groom...well, it wasn't really a mist, but something different in the air that I felt caused the birds to stop singing. Then the bride's veil blew way up and seemed to hang in the air before blowing completely off and landing in the lap of her sister's soon-to-be fiance. The part I need to tell is, my daughter and I had a slight disagreement over wearing the veil. She did not want one, but I thought her dress and the occasion really called for one. At the moment that veil popped up, all I could think was... My mom, her grandmother (who spoiled her like crazy before passing away in 2013) would be saying, "Look, here, she wore the veil down the aisle for you and now we can just take it off!" Smething else: while getting hair and makeup done, the bridesmaids wee drinking champagne. At some point, a champagne glass fell over on the nightstand where no one was near. The girls sort of laughed about it and continued... Probably a half hour later, I was waiting my turn for makeup and all of a sudden the same champagne glass goes flying off the nightstand (they had stood it up in the middle, making sure it wouldn't fall again). It shattered on the floor and a bridesmaid and I looked at each other and went, "Whoa, did you see that?" Then another one matter of factly brings a broom and cleans it up, and all go on their merry way to the ceremony. I swear, in the professional wedding photos we have multiple shots (second by second) of the bride's veil, and I can see multiple paranormal-looking faces... My mom IN the veil and my late husband in the air. I've pointed it out to family, and they do see it but they don't really THINK about it like I do. Sorry again for the length, but I DO feel them a lot. I just feel sometimes that it's because I really want to. But we are not supposed to, so I think the way it works is the idea of it becomes fuzzy for some people and they forget, while others of us can't seem to let it go.
WisconsinLady (1 stories) (52 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-24)
Did you ever go grocery shopping with one of your deceased loved ones a lot? My grandma was great at picking out fruit, and I wouldn't be surprised if she rolled the right peaches at me someday! ❤
Do you ever feel an energy around you before it happens? Maybe the energy of the land helps your loved ones connect with you easier at the store. Or perhaps you're experiencing things at home as well, but in a house with other people around, you don't notice things like you do when you're alone at the store?

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