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Real Ghost Stories

The Wind Spoke


First, I guess I want to draw attention to the fact that, like so many here, my life seems to have been peppered with the sort of nexus of strange events and experiences that are regarded as outside the "norm."

I actually have a theory about that, but I suppose that can wait. Second, I don't believe in ghosts. I know. I know. I'm writing this experience in a ghost forum of believers. I don't begrudge you your beliefs. I simply don't believe in lost spirits wandering the earth looking for a path to the light. That being said. It's been weird.

This particular event happened when I was 14 years old. My brother and I were sleeping in an abandoned house. Well, technically I suppose I was squatting but it was somewhere warm and my brother was spending the night that night. I can't remember why. Usually I spent the night there alone.

I guess I do need to explain a little more about myself for this to make sense. I died when I was three years old. Obviously it didn't take, but my fragility meant I spent the first five or six years of my life in a medicated sort of daze. I saw a lot of things. I heard a lot of things. I decided by the time I hit the third grade that if someone else didn't see it or hear it with me, then it simply wasn't real. It got worse when I was "drifting," which is what I call those moments when the physical slips away from you. When you're falling asleep, but not really sleeping, or when you completely zone out and miss your stop on the bus. That's drifting.

So, this night it was around 2 am and I was well into my drifting. My brother, Mike, was laying on the floor next to my bed (only one bed) in one of the upstairs bedrooms. I started to hear something that sounded like words formed by the wind outside the window.

You have to understand, I'm not scared by the sounds. I'm drifting, and I'm sleepy, and I'm more curious in a vague sort of way because hearing music or voices in the drift isn't really that strange for me. But as I lay there listening, the voice seems to get a little clearer, until I could almost make out actual words. Then a voice, loud as a person standing in the center of the room, spoke my name.

Ok. Here is the part you need to consider my past to understand. I still wasn't scared. I'd been hanging one arm off the bed and absently staring at my brother as I listened, and it wasn't the worst thing I'd ever heard but it was certainly new in its own way. But not really anything to get worked up about. Until Mike's eyes popped open and he went white as a sheet.

At that point I still felt pretty relaxed, but started to get an uncomfortable sort of feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Mike," I said, "Did you hear something?"

Mike nodded, but didn't say anything.

So now I'm starting to become a little concerned, but I'm still reasonably sure everything is hallucination-ville voices generated but wind and a healthy drift. But...

"What did you hear?" I asked.

Mike swallowed hard, looked right at me and whispered, "Someone is calling your name."

I considered that a moment, then said, "You want to get the hell outta here?" Mike nodded. I jumped out of bed and we wandered the streets until dawn.

Boys and girls, whatever you think, there is something in the wind. Believe it or don't. I don't know what it is. I lean towards demon but that's more of a theological choice. I don't know anything for sure. But I can feel it when it's there. I felt it tonight. That's why I started browsing for others with similar experiences and found this site.

I still don't believe in ghosts. But it has been some kind of weird off and on all my life, and the wind seems to herald it or come with it or something. It happened so often I even named the damn thing when I was an angst-filled teen.

I called it Rerednaw. Wanderer spelled backwards. Corny? Yep. I was a kid, so cut me some slack.

Also, if I can offer a bit of personal experience advice. Don't talk to any of them. Don't fear any of them. And don't speak of them at night. All of these things draw their attention. Give them nothing. Ignore them if you can.

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Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-29)

I can relate to your good feelings about the wind. If I'm in a bad mood, I go outside and stand in the wind, it feels as if it is blowing away my negativity.

I do believe you have an expanded awareness that can maybe be attributed to your NDE.

I usually don't realize immediately when I am drifting either, even though I knowingly set out to do it. I take cues from what seems strange with myself, if for some reason, seeing myself lying in a bed isn't convincing enough.

I'll sometimes notice: "Hey! I have two right feet!" Or: "All of my fingernails are gone!" Or my personal favorite: "I suddenly weigh several hundred pounds and it's hard to walk."

At these times, critical thinking isn't as good as it is when I am in the world, minding my own business.

Also, my mom woke up and said she still loves "Lea and Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce". She said "It's the ONLY one."

- Maria ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-29)
When I registered on this site, I was at a loss as to what to call myself.

The name I chose is a combination of what my mother and father wanted to have as my middle name.

My father wanted "Leigh" and my mother wanted "Lea". They are both pronounced the same way.

My middle name is "Lea". My mother, in fact, named me after "Lea and Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce". She liked that sauce in 1981 and probably still does. I could ask but I don't want to mess up her nap. 😜

- Maria ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-29)
I'm sorry, I just saw that you answered my question about the word "thickening".

I was just jogging outside and I had to run back home because it started raining. I am not feeling my best. 😜
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-29)

Yes. That is exactly the reason why it used to make me afraid. I used to get worried that I wouldn't be able to go back if I went too far away.

There are times when I have met weird stuff in my home when I have done this. Like gray and featureless "people".

Sometimes, objects would be in my house that I knew weren't there normally. It also used to take a bit of extra effort to see clearly. That is not the case anymore.

That is why I asked you what you meant by the word "thickening". To my mind, it seems to mean that your perceived environment becomes less certain.

I tried to upvote your comment but it told me to vote for someone else.
- Maria ❤
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-29)

All I can say is that leaving your body sounds pretty awesome if you can do it at will. Then again, I think I'd be afraid I might get lost or run into something out their. Even, if I could do it I don't think I would, but then I'm a "weird stuff" avoider when I can be.:)
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-29)

Good questions, and I like how you spell Leigh. My daughter's name is Breigh, pronounced as a long E.

As to the wind question, I guess I did imply it was always tied to something evil or bad in the story. That's far from the truth. I LOVE the wind 99% of the time, and feel invigorated as well sometimes by a warm sense of "belonging" for lack of a better word, almost like it envelops me and I'm part of it. Always have.

The "thickening" is the word I use when I feel something isn't right in the wind. Not to be melodramatic, but a weight of evil or ill intent or just a heavy sense of something filling the air with malevolent intent or approaching with no good purpose.

As to my experiences with the drift, I don't ever remember stepping out of my body, or even a separation from it that I can recall. It's more like I'm a part of everything along with my body. Like a specific drop of water inside a glass of water. I'm still a drop of water but I'm also the glass of water which - when I'm deep in the drift - is also all the water in the world.

Hope that makes sense, but after reading the comments I did realize I do experience something like an expanded awareness - maybe? - It happens so often I guess I don't think about it. Sometimes when I'm drifting while trying to go to sleep sometimes someone turns on the light in my bedroom and I have to get up to shut it off again.

But when I get to the light switch I find it isn't on. That's when I realize my eyes are still closed. Same thing has happened to me at places like hotels where I don't usually sleep. The room is clear as daylight, until I open my eyes and break the drift.

I seriously never considered that sort of thing would be somehow connected to the drift itself until I read some of the comments here. I just thought I was sort of semi-sleep walking, and what I saw was just some kind of perfect recall I only got when I was close to sleep.

That still is my working theory, but in the spirit of dismissing nothing, I'll give it some thought.

Thanks again for taking an interest and posting
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-29)
First off, I have to say I'm delighted and surprised by the interest in my story. I'm also intrigued by some of the questions being posed, many of which I never considered before.

Lucia, thank you for your candor. But no, I specifically and intentionally avoided ever getting a mental health diagnosis. I think you can understand my reasoning. I was a kid when they started and I guess I thought if people knew I'd end up in some mental hospital with the other nut cases. So, I kept it to myself for years, although I had four siblings who all knew about a lot of the stuff because they were around me on several occasions. They believed different things about it, but they saw enough that my sister called me in the middle of the night begging for my help when her middle daughter started experiencing some of the same things. As children I suppose they enjoyed some of it, they didn't spill the beans, and we used to spend hours playing something we called the "wind games."

Side note here: I was really disappointed and embarrassed when I found out they faked their part of some of the games. I was little enough when we started playing that I thought we all heard the wind talking and just heard or saw different things. I guess that's the first time I decided to start keeping everything to myself.

I suppose I self diagnosed myself as prone to hallucinations and treated myself by dismissing everything I saw it heard or felt that was out of the ordinary unless I had witnessed. I ignored everything else. And if I did have witnesses, it's not the kind of thing you bring up in conversations if you want to be taken seriously or not dismissed out of hand as a "weirdo"
It's worked so far, beyond being a hot inconvenient at times.
Plus, at this point it's safe to say that I'm pretty much scare proof when it comes to weird stuff. I suppose that's the trade off.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-29)

I guess I call it "drifting" because that's what Awoken has called it. I honestly didn't have a word before. The word "drift" seems good to me.

I feel when I drift that I am moving spiritually but I only have the sense of my body's immobility for a very brief amount of time. That gives way to a warm, buzzing sensation that encompasses my entire body. It starts at my heels. I usually get up from the bed without thinking much about it. Usually, but sometimes the conditions are different.

After I get up, I invariably turn around and look at myself lying there. When I was younger, that sight used to put me in a state of panic. Then, the experience would be over. I would open my eyes and be looking at the ceiling without having the recollection of my spirit lying back down.

I only gain awareness of this state when I'm standing up away from my body. It doesn't scare me anymore. Sometimes I do things other than just stand around. Sometimes I go into other rooms. The bedroom door isn't a barrier to me and I just walk through it.

I have these episodes by starting out awake. I think people call this "Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming".

The last time that I did this, I looked around my room, saw myself lying there and saw that my cat was sitting on my bed taking a bath. I fully expected him to look up at me but he didn't notice anything amiss.

I have read that when you are asleep and dreaming, if you become aware that you're dreaming, the only way your mind can make changes in the dream world is if you expect it to happen...How's that for a run-on sentence 😜

What I mean by this is if it WAS a dream and I expected my cat to notice my spirit, then he should have. He didn't and maybe I actually have been going outside of my physical body.

I never before believed in Astral Projection, but what do I know, really? There are a million websites that talk about Lucid Dreaming. There's bound to be misinformation everywhere in a subject that gets no serious attention.

I'm sorry that my comment is very long winded. These are subjects to which I've given plenty of thought.

- Maria ❤
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-28)
Greetings, Awoken.

First, to reassure you, not everyone on YGS believes in ghosts: Anno Domini doesn't; I think that Integrist has serious reservations, but that was a conversation that did not go very smoothly.

I admit that I do believe; at some points in my childhood, I'd have preferred not to, but they didn't give me much choice. That said, kudos for your honesty: "I simply don't believe in lost spirits wandering the earth looking for a path to the light." Well, "looking for a path to the light" is a *really* optimistic view; some of the nastier bastards are simply malicious individuals with a grudge against the living.

I'm really curious about your drifts. [Well, *everyone's* drift experiences.] Do you feel as though you are moving spiritually despite your physical body's immobility? Do you rock side-to-side as you begin? Do you feel as though you are rocking longitudinally (i.e.: through the top of your head & soles of your feet) at the start? Do you simply drift upward and away from your physical form? Or do you simply achieve awareness of being in motion when you are already away from body? I have experienced one of these events on multiple occasions and I'm curious to see if the sensation is similar to your experiences.

As for the wind, people in myriad cultures have anthropomorphized different winds over the millennia. I know that I feel invigorated, uplifted, and inspired by West winds (especially in the Autumn) and --to a lesser degree--by Southerly winds, for no discernible reason as they are as valid a set of pressure fronts as North and East winds are. I wonder why that is... Any thoughts? Do different winds operate on different "spiritual frequencies," perhaps? What would a sentient/conscious weather front want to accomplish by scaring a young teenager? The wind forming sounds/words is entirely within the realm of credibility, as that is how human voices work, but *unto what end* would this occur?

Just batting a few ideas about because I'd honestly like to know what you think.

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-28)
Awoken and Cherubim,

I allow myself to "drift". When I have time since I have a good bit of control over it. For quite some time, I have been trying to train myself to dream lucidly. It helps that I have a little background in meditation.

What do you mean by "thickening"? Does that mean that when you drift it becomes more or less coherent?

As for the singing, I know for a fact that I can't sing and it isn't for lack of trying! 😜 Usually, I sing to my cat because he doesn't complain. He waits patiently until the song's over.

Take Care, Maria ❤
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-28)
Very interesting tale. I'm quite intrigued by your story and story telling skills.

As a side note, I almost died several times. Makes me wonder if I actually did die altogether and didn't realize it. I wonder how many of us on here have had NDE and have come close to death or did actually die. Maybe that's what enables many of us to see things not of this realm.

Not to dimish any of your stories but have you ever had any mental health diagnosises?
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-27)

I'm glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for sharing about your "drift".
I've always thought anyone has the capacity to drift, they just don't realize it. Like people who tell you they can't sing.

My response to that - "well, not with that attitude.":)
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-27)
J Bond,

It's a different school. I only work in bowler, wi occasionally as part of my job, and I just started this job in June. It's about an hour northwest of my home and just a small portion of the area I cover. It's basically a little speck of a town.
I went to a lot of schools but that's nowhere close to any of them. Totally random encounter or sighting or whatever. And honestly, whatever it really is, it's the first time I've even seen something that looked like a kid.
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-27)

You mention the character in black and white lurking outside the school in Bowler. Was this the same school that you talked about in your comment about missing an entire summer?
I'm sure many years have passed between the episodes, and they may not be the same school at all. I'm just wondering...
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-27)
Fascinating story. This reminded me of when I was a kid and would "drift" like that a lot in my room laying on my bed. I'd snap out of what ever I was experiencing, not sure if it were "real" or just a dream. I never really spoke of it to anyone. I've also heard something like words tying to be formed in running water a few times before too. I wasn't scared, but very surprised. Thank you for the read... Especially so close to Halloween time. 😜
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-26)
I have no idea where you post this sort of thing but if you happen to live in Wisconsin and you are interested in hunting lost spirits or whatever. Please stay away from Bowler, Wi. I'm 100% serious and not trying to reverse psychology some interested parties into grabbing their ghost catchers or whatever you use to go for a look.
There is something that looks like a kid by the school at night sometimes. On the edge of the playground. Black and white clothes.
He's not a kid. And he isn't friendly. Feels like spiders crawling out of my skin every time he's around. If I lived nearby I would move
Believe it or don't, but if you do please go happy haunt hunting somewhere else.
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-26)

Good question. The official explanation?
Honestly, I have no idea. But someone from the school found me outside I think when the next school year started and I didn't show up.
Then I stayed with my great aunt for awhile, and then my grandmother, before moving back in with my mother until I figured I was better off alone and hit the road.
I guess I never really considered asking about that summer. Life was rough, and violent, and strange, and I was hungry and lonely, and to top it off there were voices in the dark that scared the crap out of me and "not people" popping up occasionally others couldn't see that I couldn't talk about.
So in the big scheme of things, a lost summer I couldn't remember wasn't something I missed too much.
Don't get all weepy though. That was a long time ago. So, no worries really. But thanks for asking.
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-26)

Missing a whole summer of your life is kind of a big deal. What was the (official) explanation for that, if I could ask?

It is good to hear that you are there for your daughter and niece. That is the type of mentoring or advice that I suggested for you. Seems you can provide some guidance at least to someone young and inexperienced, and probably frightened. That is very good.

Please keep those experiences of yours coming.

James Bond
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-26)

Yeah. I was homeless I guess. Sorry for the late response.


I never really gave much thought to developing the drift. Most of the time I tried to stay out of it, which could be a challenge. I embarrassed myself during a school concert once because if it when a shadow was walking through the seated people and I pointed at it while we were all still performing without realizing what I was doing.
The drift is entirely too comfortable when life gets hard, everything real just sort of drops away and you are just part of everything.

Like I said, it's hard to explain, but getting deeper into the drift isn't a problem, getting all the way back out is the rub. You might think you are out, but sometimes you realize you have been drifting for hours, or in my case, days or even weeks. I lost a whole summer once when I was a kid. Drifted the whole time. Slept outside. Real lord of the flies meets my side of the mountain stuff. When I finally came back to myself I was wearing the same clothes as when I got out of school that year, what was left of them anyway, and had no idea what happened to my shoes.
I honestly have no idea what I ate. But I remember the dew forming on me in the grass when the sun came up, when I would tuck by hands under my belly and shiver until the wet was mostly gone.
So yeah, the drift is dangerous in its own way. Thanks for your interest though
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-26)

I died when I was very very young. And before you ask, yeah I saw a light, actually more than one. But that may have been because I was being rushed down a hospital hallway when they rammed the needle in my heart that brought me back. It's my earliest childhood memory.

Incidentally, I posted the wind story because it seemed one of the less bizarre, the wind felt thick that night, and I saw a... Something... After finishing work late in Bowler, WI.

What started as a vague search for wind related paranormal sightings got me to this site, and here we are.

And again before you ask what I saw, it was a little kid in black and white clothes. Crossed the street in front of my truck, and so I ignored it per my personal "no witnesses rule" and then he crossed the road again going back the other way. But it wasn't a kid. It was something else.
Looked like a kid.
Wasn't a kid.
Made my skin crawl, and honestly there isn't much that disturbs me to that extent anymore.
It wasn't a kid. And I'm not interested in knowing more about it then that.
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-26)
Hey MrsR,

What can I say? Told ya. Lol.

Honestly, I've met maybe a half dozen in my life that could hear "it" or "feel" it... Whatever. I never ask if someone hears or feels something, just like I didn't tell my brother I heard the wind call my name. Too many wannabe snowflakes out there. Anyone who really experiences this stuff can tell you it's not exciting or entertaining, and after awhile, it's not even scary. Mostly it's just very inconvenient.

I would say "Ignore it and don't drift too hard when the wind is thick," but that's from a guy who spent his life trying to shut the sounds and voices out. The idea of listening more closely is like considering sticking my hand in an unknown animal hole I found in the yard.

I prefer to simply keep my fingers and avoid attention.:)

Thanks for commenting.
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-25)
I appreciate the interest guys and gals, and I'm touched, as well. I have looked around at different literature at times over the years to try to understand exactly why I am the way I am, that these sorts of things seem to happen around me, or those who happen to be near me when I drift or when the wind is thick.
I will share some other stories certainly. They may be entertaining for some, and if they are of use to others in making them feel less alone, I'm happy to share.

And as far as my theories, some of those theories are what kept me from digging to deep for answers, or from sharing overmuch - well that and thinking maybe I'm crazy.

It's difficult to explain, but the best way I can describe it is a "thickening" in the drift when I start showing too much interest, or overstating.

During the day that's fine, but I would like to sleep occasionally. The voices were bad enough, but the bed didn't stop shaking every week or so until I was around twenty. (And I'm not being figurative. That one I had multiple witnesses. Used to scare the crap out of my cousin and guests) :)

Oh, I suppose this might relevant. My niece and my eldest daughter seem to share this curse. My sister called me t have me talk to her daughter when she started talking to people who weren't there when the furniture started moving. That was a kid's birthday party a lot of people won't be forgetting.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-25)
Your brief death may have "lifted the veil" from your perceptions of life. It has happened to others - people who suddenly find out they have a 6th sense after suffering a death, NDE, or other similar fate. I do not see anything wrong with not believing in ghosts, but still keeping an open mind concerning paranormal events.
jabond99 (3 stories) (61 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-25)
Hello Awoken,

Your narrative has interested me greatly. I am hardly an expert, so take this with a grain of salt.

It seems as if you have had to deal with this talent or ability all by yourself without guidance from others that may have similar skills. It seems that you have had to deal with this through some trying circumstances (real-life related, not ghostly related). As such, you have formed by yourself certain theories and thoughts to justify the odd things happening around you. I am curious if you ever spoke with someone that shares the same sensitive skills you seem to have, and perhaps they could guide you to a better understanding of your gift. Perhaps you could seek answers from an empath.

Your description of "drifting" seems to me to be very close to the description of those that reach certain plains of meditation. Perhaps you can easily achieve a higher state of meditation than most, and maybe you could seek answers from someone skilled in meditation.

Please consider to post other stories, because I find this one fascinating.

James Bond
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-10-24)
Hey there! I was reading with interest and not really planning to comment tonight, but thought I'd mention to you that I've heard my ceiling fan change somehow before. I was quietly working on my computer one morning and in the "zone" of work, concentrating, when I noticed it. First couldn't figure out what seemed different, then realized it was the fan... Something off about it. I thought, either I'm going a little weird or... There is actually something happening. I'd forgotten about it until you mentioned the fan at your church.
Awoken (2 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-24)
My first "Supernatural" experience I guess, that I can remember anyway (not counting dying- which was sort of anti climactic honestly) was actually when I was about 4 or 5 years old. I'm not positive about my age then but I know I hadn't started kindergarten so I couldn't have been six years old. I was resting my head on my grandmother's lap during a church sermon and thinking about puppies (drifting) when I had a strange and detailed vision of an old man at the end of the pew being asked to pray for the congregation and then keeling over. That woke me up a bit - and I remember thinking that was weird because the pastor never asked someone to pray for the congregation, and I had no idea who the old guy was.
But guess what?
Right before the sermon ended the vision played out exactly as I saw it. Scared me a lot. And for a long time as a child I wondered if I had somehow wished or prayed the guy dead on accident. (Keep in mind I'm a little kid at this point so logic wasn't really my strong point)

So how does that tie into the wind from my previous story you ask?
As I was laying in my grandmother's lap drifting I was watching the fans on the ceiling. They look huge in my memory but probably aren't as big in reality. And as I thought about puppies I was listening to the strange swish swish of the air in the fans. It was almost like a song to me, and seemed to change if I really listened closely in the drift.
Another neat little tidbit, I didn't even realize there was an old man at the end of the pew until he stood up to pray. I was looking at the fans when I saw the vision, and he was on the far end. I never noticed him until after he stood up because all the adults in the pew blocked my line of site.
There have been other things - lots of other things really.
But like I said in my story, if I didn't see it hear it with someone else, as far as I was concerned it wasn't real. But I did have a few witnessed by others - which left me feeling very vindicated for about two minutes - and then really disturbed because it left me wondering how many other things I experienced were more real than I thought.
Oh little side note. I had a picture of a "ghost" a couple years ago I took in a graveyard where I was taking my lunch in broad daylight. I actually only took it to see if it would show up on camera and forgot about it for nearly a year until I was browsing my pics one night with some friends.
Yeah - it was a dang smoke man kneeling at a grave stone in broad daylight. Lol. Go figure. Wish I still had that phone
annie16 (13 stories) (53 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-24)
Welcome to YGS Awoken. Just curious. You spoke about "squatting" and "we wandered the streets until dawn". Did you not have a home?

Now, it is quite well known that some people do experience the "paranormal" after a near death experience (NDE) but I find your encounters being linked to the wind, quite unique. Would you mind writing about more of your experiences? Or, is it just always you name being called.

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