Today, Feb.8, 2020 at approximately 1:45pm my husband and I were heading to the Cemetery to visit my youngest sister who passed away at age 38. Today made two years and we were meeting my family to visit her.
Weird things have been happening, like my husband's toothbrush being thrown twice in the shower. Weird I know, but today on our way the radio station kept changing on us as we were driving. We have a newer vehicle so no issues with it. It has never happened before.
I've been really depressed the last few weeks knowing this terrible anniversary was coming up. I was anxious, afraid to go. It makes it too real to see her headstone.
I wonder if it's her? I find dimes and pennies, see shadows, hubby's toothbrush gets thrown in the shower. I think about her daily. I miss her so much. So much was left unsaid when she passed. I'm not sure if this is real, meaning I'm kind of freaked out and so is my husband. I want to see her so bad. I want to talk to her. Sometimes I feel someone rubbing my side when I'm in bed, when I'm sad. I know it isn't my husband, he sleeps in a separate bedroom because of his cpap machine.
Is she visiting me? Or could it be my own energy doing this? I wish I could communicate with her. I wish I knew who this is. If she's trying to get my attention, if it's her or another family member.
I know this stuff seems small, but this is new to us. My husband's brother also passed recently. His was due to his wife's neglects, it could have been prevented. We tried getting guardianship of him but lost. He was 57. My sister passed from cancer. She was 38 with a 5 year old and an eight month old.
Thanks so much for letting me tell my small story.
What do you think?
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to communicate. Have you considered visiting a medium or spiritualist? To be sure there are charlatans out there but I have come across a few that really did seem to be gifted in spite of my best efforts to provide them with no leads or tells.
You could also try speaking with her through meditation.
I would also recommend a cleansing of the house and yourself just as a precaution. If the entity is your sister -and most likely it is- then her presence should not be effected but, if not, that ought to soothe the activity you are experiencing. A respected member, rookdygin has a tried and true method on his profile and here is a link to a page with some decent household remedies and a few for communication as well: