I live in a quiet suburb in a 1-story house. At the time, I was sleeping in the upstairs bedroom. When this happened, I was 9 years old and suffering from insomnia. I would often read or watch TV to try and coax myself to sleep. After making myself somewhat sleepy, I proceeded to lay down to attempt to sleep.
My bed faced my door, which I left open. I couldn't get myself to sleep, so I jolted up to grab a book or the remote when I saw a figure in my doorway. I looked up to see if it was my grandma, who was one of the people I lived with. Instead of being a short, happy older woman, it was a tall, brooding man with an old style musket rifle, dating back to revolutionary war times. The man has a tall, pointed hat and appeared to be in British military attire of the period. He pointed this musket at my head, so I darted under the covers. I came up almost a few seconds after seeing the figure and it had disappeared. I got really scared and went downstairs to sleep in my mother's room.
The spirit has not manifested itself into a full bodied apparition since then, but eerie feelings in that room and area of the house still occur.
Even to this day, I'm baffled about why a Revolutionary War period ghost haunted my house. I live in an area that wasn't fought in during that war, and wasn't inhabited until the Louisiana Purchase. I'm attempting to research the spirit, but with little success. If anyone would like to assist me in the research, I would be glad.