I haven't made a post in about 5 years due to the inability to access my account.
My last post was about paranormal experience in my house as a 16 year old that has definitely been confirmed.
Around the age of 20, one morning I had went to visit a friend, Chris. At the time I had been on drugs heavily and was not the best person I could be. We had been having a conversation about something or another and he received a call from his mother, whom I have never met and is a preacher, she asked to speak to me directly.
I take the phone and this women proceeded to tell me that she got a message from God for me saying that He was protecting me and that what I had dealt with as a teenager had reattached itself to me, and that I needed to bless my house once more. She told me that He had felt my pain and would hear me crying myself to sleep every night; that he was always there. He said that for some reason paranormal entities where becoming attracted to me.
I was also informed that this would not be the last paranormal being I would come across and that I need to learn to protect myself against them.
Although I have been trying to ignore all the hints of something else being near me when I am alone in a room; the slight brush of a hand down my back or seeing something running back and forth out of my side view, it has slowly become more and more annoying.
I have had quite a few experiences that have made me question if I am truly safe where I am at or if I will be followed where ever I go. I have an almost two year old and feel that she may have the same problem growing up.
It may seem confusing when you go to the site 'tinyrituals.co', because they sell crystals and other stuff. But there's also a little bit of info on self cleansing.
Rookdygins cleansing is definitely the best by far and highly recommended. The site below is worth a read.
In my previous comment I typed, 'How knows'...
... I meant, Who knows.🤔