I have always felt the presence of spirits, they often come to me as a dream like vision while I'm awake but almost asleep. In my youth I got flashes of scary gory horrifying imagery then I would feel a presence. I learned to communicate with mental imagery and found if I allowed the spirits to pass through me they could finally rest. It's been many years since I've tried to communicate.
In the last 4 or so years I've had a new experience with visions becoming more than a flash of a dead body or decapitated bloody car wrecks. I started feeling a very heavy negative energy around me at home. Like I'm being watched. It's strongest just before bed. This entity isn't interested in communicating or trying to get my attention to pass on. It feels content to stay and lurk around me in my bedroom.
One night a vision came to me unlike any other; a goat head with horns and woman's chest with goat legs. After some research I discovered Baphomet, this was an image I'd seen before but it scared me so much before I put it out of my mind. Eventually I performed a sage rubbing, read aloud from my Bible the Lord is my Shepard... I lit a white candle fanned the smoke and made ash crosses above the doors. I tried imagery of me cutting the head off this beast with a sword. Since I've gotten a new vision a 3 horned bulls head man's upper body and lower legs like a hooved animal. Visions of a cliff with grey naked bodies holding onto each other pulling each other down. I feel worried, scared and nervous. This entity won't leave and I'm scared. Any thoughts,advice?