My name is Mitch and I live in Montreal (Canada). I have had some experiences throughout my lifetime but the one I recall the most is... This one night I had a dream that I was on the computer, and for some strange reason I was sneaking on it and I didn't want anyone to catch me on it. So I was typing very quietly making sure nobody would hear me... All a sudden this women barged the computer room door open and scared me. Scared me so much I woke up from this "nightmare".
As I woke up I realized I couldn't move. My body was paralyses and it felt as if something was pressing down on me, I couldn't speak as well. The women in my dream was above me bed, smiling at me. It was extremely strange because she had terrified me in my dream, yet was so nice to me. She smiled at me for a few seconds and I got the feeling she was telling me not to be afraid... As she smiled for a few seconds she disappeared and I wasn't scared at all, which is weird because I'm a very scared person when it comes to things like that.
This happened to me in 2007 I believe but I remember it as if it was yesterday...
I'd really appreciate it if anyone can let me know if there was a message through the dream or what being paralyses like that means because it has happened to me several times, although I have only seen someone in my bedroom twice (2 different people, including the women I described).
Thanks for taking the time to read my story.