This ghost story entails the start of trauma and sadness regarding some of my best feathered friends.
My husband and I moved to our current home in 2022. My dream once owning our own home was to start a little homestead with a garden. After we went through our first winter, the following spring I obtained my first flock of chickens. Any animal I bring into my home is considered family, whether it be a simple fish, or farm animal. I had names for my little flock of chickens, including my favorite rooster, Tweedledee.
The following early fall we purchased some more chickens and were a well bonded happy family. I never free ranged my chickens for their safety, I know we have predators. But we slowly started letting them roam outside with supervision and they stayed with us most of the time. I maintained a relationship with all of my feathered friends, some being closer to me than others, again my roosters always being my best friends, at that point I had 3, Gabriel, Rusty Pete, and Tweedledee.
The first blow was when my white rooster, Gabriel, died of sudden unknown causes, so I laid him to rest back to nature where he loved to pick bugs and just be in the sun.
The following weekend I was away in town for a girl's day with my best friend, but when I was coming home, I had a gut feeling something was terribly wrong. I have always known I had the gift of clairsentience, so I feel energies and can picture them in my mind's eye, but never have had the gift of sight or sound.
When I pulled into my driveway something compelled me to check on my feathered friends, and that's when the pain hit, only 6 of my hens were waiting for me by their coop. I saw the look in my hen's eyes as even my shyest hens came running to be with me. I cried and called for hours for my babies to return home, I begged the universe, I pleaded, and was almost on my knees, my husband only finding one alive and another returning to me from the woods.
I knew it was a fox as we had seen one in prior months and my husband found a dead hen in our yard in the tall grass. Later that day as I was pleading for anyone to return to me, especially Tweedledee my favorite rooster, it started to downpour, rain mixing with tears as if the sky was mourning with me. I leaned my hand against a tree begging for all of my energy to be sent out to find any chicken that was lost and couldn't make it home. As I was trying to let my energy resonate around my property, I saw a flash of the feather pattern of 3 of my lost hens and a hen on my shoulder, as if one or all three of my Wyandotte hens were saying goodbye.
I did not give up the search for days, and weeks. At this point as this happened just a few weeks ago. The following weeks I kept hearing my roosters crowing in the woods, but no sign of them alive sadly. When I returned home from work tonight, I was walking to my chicken coop and saw a clear image of my rooster Rusty Pete by the door, just waiting to go in, it broke my heart to see his spirit, but I told him to go in, his girls were waiting for him.
Upon seeing Pete's spirit the whole night, I had images of my other hens running in my yard and wood line in terror, and the mental scene of a fox sniffing around my chicken coop door hoping to finish the job on the 6 hens he left alive. The scene of the fox manifested for me to even see a flash of fox fur by my chicken coop door that I raced to the aid of my feathered friends when there was nothing there.
I considered myself a very open person with a fair number of metaphysical gifts, but after this traumatic event, have gained the gift of sight and hearing now, and I know that I need to help my missing girls and roosters find their way home to find peace so they can rest. Going into my wood line now has different meaning, it's quieter, the breeze seems to carry more on it than it ever used to, and in my heart, I know my babies knew I loved them to the point they are starting to seek me out from the next life.