This is my second photo that I wanted to submit and share with everyone to see what you think about this one. Okay, so as you already know I went to the Oaklawn cemetery and we are walking around snapping photos in places that we are drawn to snap the pictures. This picture was also shot on the same day as the other photo I submitted. On this particular one, I felt the need to take a photo in a certain area. What I believe I caught on this picture was what 'WE' call a 'Shadow Man'. When I took this picture I DID see this man on the outside of the cemetery bending over unlocking his car to get in. This would be the man on the left hand side.
Then if you look a few feet to the right, you can see another man that was ABSOLUTELY NOT THERE when I took this picture! Also, NOT ONLY was it that the man on the right hand side WAS NOT THERE when I snapped this photo but there is a significant difference in their appearances only being a few feet away from each other. The man, on the left, bending over to get into his car is in full, normal color and he looks like he belongs. However, the man or 'being', if you will, on the right hand side is only a few feet away, so not much difference in lighting, is a dark gray color with no features, nor color except the outline of his face, upper body and you can see that he has either a ball cap but looks more like a trucker's cap on his or 'IT'S' head. It looks as if he is somewhat see through but not because he is somewhat dense in this dark gray color and he also seems a bit blurry.
It looks to me like this man or 'being' is watching this other man getting into his car, kind of hiding a little behind the tree as to maybe not be noticed, maybe curious?! He looks out of place and like I said I know for a fact that this 'being' or man was NOT there when I took the picture. So what other explanation could there be.
Also, as we were walking out of the cemetery my daughter spotted a black shadow flit in between the trees. As we were nearly out through the gates of the cemetery, that cold wind started picking up again and felt like it kind of gave us a push out of the cemetery. My daughter said, "Mom, did you feel that!" She said, "It felt like they (spirits) were pushing us out!" I said, "Yes, I did feel that!"
As we were going to get in the car on the outside of the cemetery walls, my son needed help tying his shoe. As I was helping him, my fifteen year old daughter was leaning on the stone wall looking into the cemetery and she said, "Mom, I saw that black shadow again!" By this time I was done tying my sons shoe and went to take a picture of where she was seeing this dark shadow flitting in and out of the trees but EVERY SINGLE TIME I tried to take a picture, my camera kept dying! Come to think of it, there were a couple other times while we were in the cemetery that my camera kept on dying and would take a while to be able to take another picture.
Eventually, when we were leaving in the car, before we pulled out of the parking lot, my daughter was trying to look at the pictures to see if we caught anything but the batteries in the camera were completely drained and it wouldn't work. Now, I left my house with brand new batteries in my camera, but stupid me forgot to bring extras knowing full well that it was a possibility that going on a 'ghost hunt' could drain the batteries from the spirits trying to manifest. I guess I really didn't expect much on my trip or especially my VERY FIRST ghost hunting trip. BOY was I joyfully surprised!
So, let me know what everyone thinks because I REALLY think that I got VERY lucky that particular day! What do you think?!
IMay be wrong but, its how I feel.