When I was about 3 or 4, I can't remember, but my grandpa had passed. I can't really remember him, except for pictures I saw. Well at his funeral, I was standing and waving over into the corner, probably behind where the casket was, in the front row maybe. My mom asked me, why are you waving? And I supposedly replied, I see papa over there! He is waving at me. My mom was not scared and probably not surprised either. Too bad I can't remember it, I would loved to have seen him!
Well, since that was a short story, I will tell you my next encounter. I remember this clearly. I was maybe 7 or 8 and was sleeping over at my dads house. In my room there I had a bunk bed.
One night, I was sleeping lightly, when I heard my bedroom door open, for I had beads or something hanging off of the handle. Well I thought maybe it was my sister or dad, so I turned around and there was a girl. She looked like my sister since it was dark and I was half asleep, but I looked closer and she had dark eyes, and pale skin. Also, cuts on her face and shoulders. Before I had realized that, when I still thought it was my sister, I tried to grab for her because she wasn't moving and I was thinking huh? But when I realized, I froze, and dived under my sheets, terror stricken. I stayed under there for maybe a couple hours, and was sweating so bad I had to come and get air.
Previous times, when I got scared or something and was under my sheets, I would think I saw a silhouette (however that's spelled) of a hand, but I believe I imagined that, but still scary! My dads house wasn't haunted I believe, maybe she was just passing through, I have no idea, but my dad passed when I was 10 and we have renters living in his house now. I wonder if they've seen anything? I will have more stories later!
God Bless!