My life is weird. I have the ability to see spirits, and communicate with them. I know how to access the spirit realm, using meditation, and I am very fond of the spirits I see regularly. Apparently, it is a gift. I have many spirit encounters that would frighten the average person quite a bit every month, but I have gotten used to them. And, for some reason, I can teach other people how to do this. I have taught three of my friends in the past. I know why I have these powers, but I will go into that in another story. This story is about one of my Ouija board experiences.
I have an Ouija board. For some reason, we can never find it when we want it, except on rare occasions like this one. A few years ago, me, my older brother and my older sister were using the ouija board, and we asked the ouija board a few questions. We found out his name was Earl, and he died in 1985. After about 15 minutes, I went and asked it a question. "How did you live your life?" First, The pointer started shaking, then, I started shaking with it. I wasn't breathing until my sister removed the pointer from the ouija board. I knew something like that was going to happed, since I am well known in the spirit realm. After that, I wasn't allowed to use the ouija board. But now, I want to do it more than ever. Can someone please tell me what I did to anger the spirit?
I could be wrong but I think that some ghosts don't like to get asked what happened before they died.