This happened to my mom, not me. My mom was going to a restaurant with her buds. As she was about to walk in, she turned her head to the right and saw a woman that looked actually like her. The identical woman turned a block, so my mom followed right behind her. The woman turned into a alley, my mom did the same. But when my mom turned into the same alley, the woman was gone. There was no doors, no hiding place for the woman to hide. And it was a dead end.
My mom hasn't seen her since. I have a feeling that my mom's mother was about to have twins, but the other died. I'm not saying my mom had a sister. We don't think my Grandma was pregnant with twins. But we're not sure what it was. So if someone can please tell me and my mom what it was, that would be great. And I'm not lying. I would like to know what you think it was and tell me. My mom still DOES NOT know what it was. So please tell us...