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Real Ghost Stories



I was born and raised in the Philippines. We moved to the U.S. when I was 11-years old. This story took place in the Philippines when I was 7-years old. I can recall some of the stuff that happened to me, but not to the fullest. My uncle retold the story again to me later on when I got a little older. And then from time to time when we have family gatherings, someone in my family would re-tell the story again as it was a bit mind boggling!

The story started when my Dad and I went to visit his sister, my Aunt and my cousins in the province. My Aunt has 3-children; one is my age and the other two are a couple of years older than I was. When we got to their house, I remember my Aunt and cousins came running out of the house to greet us with such joy and excitement.

After the initial visiting, my cousins and I went outside to play Hide & Seek. My older cousin was the seeker while everyone else hid. My Aunt's house was out in the woods. Her house was surrounded by mountains and trees after trees and tall grasses.

There's this belief in the Philippines that most Duwende's [Dwarfs] lives in the forest or a place where there's lots of trees. And if you cross their path, without saying "Tabi-Tabi Po Nuno" (MEANING: Pardon or Excuse me little people) they will cast you a bad spell. It all depends on the Duwende you came across with. Some are nice and some are evil. If you cross an evil Duwende, he/she can cast a death wish on you, some can give you warts all over your body and make you ugly and hideous, so people will be disgusted of you and don't want to be around you.

Back to playing Hide & Seek. My cousin was the seeker and everyone hid. I wanted to hide where my cousin couldn't find me. So I saw this VERY BIG tree, what seemed to be like a hundred year old tree. Around it, I found a little hole and that's where I hid. Without thinking and forgetting what my elders told me about Duwende’s, I forgot to say what we're supposed to say and hid a long time in the tree. After what seemed to be forever hiding, I came out of the hole and went back to where my cousins were. They said that they have given up looking for me, since they didn't find me anywhere.

That evening before dinner, I started not feeling too good. I remember the shivers, the many trips to the bathroom vomiting and after that I can honestly say that I don't remember what else happened. But my Dad and Aunt told me that I was practically in a comma for 3-days. They said that in some cases, I was hallucinating. I would sweat heavily, laughed, cried and sometimes I talk to someone in front of me as if someone was there. But there was no one there. They even took me to a local hospital, but the Doctors couldn't tell my family what was wrong with me.

So my Aunt asked her kids what we did outside. My cousins told my Dad and Aunt, that all we did was played Hide & Seek. They said that I was gone a long time and that they couldn't find where I hid. My Dad and Aunt then knew that maybe I was a victim on an evil Duwende. They took me to an Albularyo (Witch Doctor) to find out what was wrong with me. As my Dad explained to me, he said that as soon as they brought me inside the Witch Doctor's house, the Witch Doctor knew that I was being played or something evil was in my presence.

The Witch Doctor lit a candle. Took a tub and poured about an inch or two of water in it. Then she mixed a few drops of some special oil that comes from a plant with the water. While chanting in some weird language, she took the lit candle and poured the melted wax in the tub with the water and oil. As she poured the wax, a figure started to form. My Uncle said that the melted wax on the water formed a huge tree with the hole. Inside the hole was a human (which was supposed to be me) and around me was about 4 or 5 Duwende's. Some where just standing there staring at me and some looked like they were throwing something at me.

So the Witch Doctor had advised my family to take me back where that big tree was and to say "Tabi-tabi po Nuno" and bring some fruits for offerings. That same day, my Dad and Aunt took me to the tree and excused me from any wrong doings and brought with them plenty of fruits. All I remember was waking up the next day without any recollections of what had happened to me!

Other hauntings by stormygirlpdx

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Comments about this paranormal experience

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shelby1233 (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-15)
I believe this story. I was stationed in Philippine's in 1987 and had an experience with an evil duwende. It was a very scary experience and It spoke to me
ghostlover8567 (6 posts)
11 years ago (2014-08-19)
Wow good story, I love reading ghost stories and other beings and this is the one that stood out thanks for sharing your story with us.
TeenyTiny (10 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-30)
She probably won't see this comment but I want to say that I believe her story... Not because I've seen a duwende but due to my belief in elementals. I've always been fascinated by dwarves, elves, gnomes, and the like so I really enjoyed reading this entry. Plus, it's nice seeing stories about non-human entities/energetic beings from other countries. It's the kind of info that is good to know on the off chance I find myself in an odd situation in a foreign country. The last time I went to the Philippines was a couple of years ago but I did not got trekking in the woods/wilderness because I barely understand Tagalog and I have no wilderness skills whatsoever... A part of me wishes I had the guts but my pragmatic side says, "you will get bitten by a snake before you see a duwende." One day I will go back to my parents' homeland and take a stroll in the woods... To every old tree I see I will say, "Tabi-Tabi Po Nuno" in my American accent and hope the duwende understand and don't decide to throw rocks and curses at me. πŸ˜‰
BlackMurderknot (guest)
11 years ago (2014-04-18)
But still, I'm not sure if they do exist.

I'm new here so please don't be rude to me 😁
BlackMurderknot (guest)
11 years ago (2014-04-18)
You're not alone Ninja-cHick I don't believe to duwendes either because I still haven't seen one. My parents raised me and told me not to believed in such creatures. I didn't mean to offend everyone too. We have different beliefs okay? The only way to make me believe in aswangs or lamanglupa is to see one. I believe in ghosts and demons but not them. But I have to admit that your story was great! πŸ˜‰
ghostboi (22 posts)
14 years ago (2011-09-03)
thats a cool story very interesting how would I find some info on the duwende
jenny00800 (1 stories) (12 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-23)
it's a very lovely story there are lots of dwarves in my province and my uncle can see them and are friends with them., whenever I have to pee somewhere outside (when I was small) I had to say tabi tabi po also:-)
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-14)
awesome and thanks for understanding... That is exactly the point I was trying to make here lol ❀ ❀
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-14)
When I was very young, I was very serious about catching a leperchaun for his pot of gold... And would have chased one of these little fellows through a wood to do so. I am glad I never stumbled upon any little people, or I may have been one sick little kid.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
Ninja-chick: Of course you're forgiven, nothing to forgive really!...Your posts on other stories haven't been like here, so I think it's safe to say that you were defending yourself... I still would like to hear of your experiences if you've had any... Always up for a good read! πŸ˜†
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
I do like the stories on here and would like to post more comments I didn't meant to start an argument... I intended to end it but it just progressed from there... He he
And just because I don't believe a story does not mean I don't like it and accept it. ❀
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
But of course you are, Ninja-cHicK.
Enjoy your stay here, take a look around, comment where you like to. We just can not have the petty arguments in the comment section. It helps no one.
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
i rly don't want to offend anyone else on here... I didn't mean to offent any one I told teh writer that iliked the story it was very interesting... I only clearly stated that I didn't believe it and there is no problen with non belief... Because not everyone believes every story and they have made that very clear as you can see I am not the only one that doesn't believe in this story... But I apologise to anyone I may have offended... I was only stating my opinion and then backing my opinion up...

❀ ❀ ❀
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
OK, Ninja-cHicK,
You may not think it is anyone else's business, save your own, what you post on this site, but I stand here to correct you. It IS my business.
Please refrain (every one, not just Ninja-cHicK) from the out right blasting each other on someone else's page. Let us keep the comments to the story at hand and remember that we all come from different backgrounds and amounts of understandings or thoughts on The Unknown.
Let us all stop being petty.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
ninja-chick: Do you have any stories of your own?...I would be very interested to see how your experiences compare to the others that are on this site...

You know, you DO have the right to your own opinion, and you can voice it... But we try to keep the "trolls" at a distance, if you get my drift... And I have a lot more posts than Pjod, so yea, I like this site and the people on it, most of them... DARKNESS and Pjod are amoungst my favorite posters... I just think you need to take a step back and look at the way you're acting before you start TRYING to tell people off... You sound very immature... Sorry if I've offended you, but just speaking my opinion...

Stormygirl: Are the "duwende" something like leprachauns or brownies?...Sounds like the same being, only different cultural name... I find your story interesting indeed! 😊
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
hahaahahahahahahah JUST and opinion no need to take it that seriously... Which you took way too seriously ❀
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
wowo PJOD it may be better than you realize to be a "wee bit young one" your really low if YOu have to sit on here all day thinking of what your going to type next to a (young girl) talking a whole bunch of mess...
Thats low to think of a person like that and for just for your record which you seem to obviously be keeping considering what you said about me and my parents computer, I am not some little girl hijacking my parents computer, I am at work, working to support my self and put myself through college! Yea right while your sitting at home arguing with someone on a unimportant website which to you seems to be a lot more... Thats what I have learned!
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
umm darkness its none of your business what I post on here... Yea well the persont who posted the story may not even be sure what happened because she said she did not remember,, her grandmother had to tell her... And its a fact that whenever a new persont retells a story (especially years later) that they unknowingly add thier own stuff to it... So who is to say its true.? Not you because you don't know...either!
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-13)
Hey thanks Dan-- You're prob wasting your time with Ninja chick. She seems to be a wee bit young one, possibly hijacking her parents computer.
Thankyou for researching my 170 plus posts ninja, have you learned anything?
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-12)
Ninja-cHicK There are a lot of beliefs and differant experiences from all over the world on this website, and who is to say that this wasn't a true experience you could never be sure, you do not have to comment on the story. Pjod has given a lot of great advice before and regardless of how many posts people have made we should all respect one another on here.

Thank you

Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-12)
well again PJOd I also see that you have several posts (174) to be close to or exact... This shows that your not only subjectifying yourself further to being obsessed woth peoples comments and your smarty remarks on them but also you are letteng me and other people who don't care for your nonsence, know that I AM RIGHT about saying you have way too much time on your hands. Most of the 174 comments you have made are either all in the same day or same week, and saying they are sll pretty much in the same month would be pushing it! LOL! GET A LIFE... ❀
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-12)
ok pjod I never said I was sure of my self, your a rude person and just like many other peopl on this site I was putting my opinion on here which I am very allowed to have so and I do have the right to my own opinion on here rude or not... So I'm not the ignorant one. I took the time to read this stor, and I believe I stated my reason for non belief... There is in fact no porblem for non belief in certain stories, yeah it had many flaws and many obvious reasons for non belief... By more than one person, more than just me... Maybe comment on teh guy that had a website... And reasons for his nonbelief... Waste your time there! And I believe I said I liked the story, and who are you to critisize a comment on a page that has nothing to do with you or your smart remarks?... Wow you must have some seriouse time on your hands. LOL. You should not come to sites and spend your time critisizing other comments... Yuor ignorant and small minded for replying to such opinions that people post... Ooooh maybe there is another STORY on here that you could waste your time on... And since I'm sooooo dam good at finding the fake ones,, hmmmmm maybe I could point you in the right direction... LOL! And its not a concludion if itis still going... Sooo waste time elsewhere you ignorant know nothing cybergeek ❀ ❀ ❀
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-12)
ninja chick,
You seem awfully sure of yourself, and you were being rude while doing so. What makes you so sure this story has no truth to it? Is it because you don't believe any such mythical creatures could exist? How very small minded of you to come to such an ignorant conclusion. There are many different beliefs in many diff cultures around the world. You, with your post, is just one example of how small minded Americans view other cultures with their history of dealing in the paranormal. So, if it's not a ghost story, it can't be true, and this forum is researved for ghost stories...LOL!
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)
and for extra, if you were eleven when you left the phillipenes how exactly were you raised there? You werent! Soooo I realy don't believer your story. Oh and I'm not being rude I'm just pointing out obvious flaws to the pointless story you shared herer... Its not a duwende site its a ghost site...
All in all I liked how your story progressed it would be a good fairy tale... Which is what it sounds like.
Ninja-cHicK (1 stories) (36 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)
i have never personally heard anything like this story before... I'm just wondering how you would know to say that phrase of protection to the Duwenes when you never mentioned seeing them so... Is it like going anywhere in the world and having to say the phrase because you never know where they are or if they even appear at all... I don't believe your story...sorry, πŸ˜•
wordgreaser (3 stories) (22 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-08)
It was not a candle burning thing. I believe the witch doctor did a ritual we call "palina" It was not candle wax that they normally pour out but a yellow sulphur looking rock or some white "tawas" it forms into shapes and the witch doctor determines the shape:) and gives you advice as to how you make amends towards the thing you offended.

Nighthingale23 (60 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-28)
Well I have also news for the Unbelievers I was born in a small rural Village in Mexico and moved to the U.S also at 11. And let me tell you.
"Duendes" are very much part of the folklore there. Some of my family members had encounters with them, Including a long past relative to have dissapeared out of thin air. A small boy leaving behind only his little shoe.

Its is said that As the population of the village grew, they went deeper into the forests. They were Famous for being tricky and mischievious, sometimes Evil. There were lots of stories on children dissapearing latter to be found miles away in to the deep woods or mountains.

I guess Since we Tend to live in such a supposed logical and scienticfic era we tend to discredit everything paranormal in less civilized places as nothing but ignorance from less educated superticious people. & that is wrong. NOONE should judge on your beliefs no matter how inlogical they may be. Stories of Elemetals and Duendes or the philiphines "Dwendes",Chile's "El turco." and the Irish "Leprachaun" Run all over the romote parts of the world, even in some rare cases in forests or woods of more advanced cities.

I think its more than just a coincidence that cultures half around the globe away from eachother have similarities when it comes to these little people. That being said thank you for the Story and I'm glad you got out of it ok. I do got to say though the whole Candle turning into the images of what happened to you do seem a little too far fetched for me, but who knows I wasn't there.

God bless!

geekonme239 (14 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-07)
Yeah, I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE IN THIS STORY because this has happened to my dad back when he was a teenager... I don't know the exact story but I know that they lived in the province back then, and knowing Philippine provinces, there were a lot of bush and old trees around where country kids use to play. And my dad with his siblings play around in there and it was one time they're also playing hide and seek that he hid behind a tree and had gotten an engkanto's attention [ engkantos are relatives of dwarfs in the Philippines... Both kinds are believed to be living under the ground ] And being a good looking boy he was, he got invited in their realm because the queen fancy him and promised to make him king... He'd got in and said it was really beautiful inside, like a paradise of some kind... Then there were a lot of foods around and the entities offered him a the food that will keep him from going out their castle when all of a sudden, he heard his mom (my gran) calling his name because he's apparently missing for like hours and maybe it was getting dark outside and they're starting to become worried... So, he didn't eat the what they call is the "itim na bigas", you know, black rice (literal English translation)... And he asked them if he could get out and they said all right, but you can't get in here anymore in the future... And he thanked them for being kind and a door, sort of like a door, he said, opened to let him out of the world and he got back home as fast as he could. He still remembers it, after like, thirty years:) Good thing those entities are kind enough to let him out in his own will:) Nice story you shared. Keep us posted should you remember anything from there or should anything happen:) take care!
Tony (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
I'm sorry, I failed to mention that my Mom was born & raised in the Philippines. And the incident mentioned previously happened when she was still living there. I'm half Filipino & was born in the States. But I have no reason to believe that she was lying! She was dead serious when she told me this story. Although nothing bad happen to her then, it still scares the HELL out of me to hear this story again. Because I've had my run-ins with spirits also! But that's another story. 😐
Tony (2 posts)
16 years ago (2008-11-24)
When I was little, I remember my Mom telling me about her encounter with the Duwendes. The story sounds very similar to the top posted one, but nothing bad happened. She said when she was very young, she was playing in the woods. She was deep in, aways from her home. She ran into these little people. She must have befriended them because she said that they took her to their home, which was a big tree. She stayed with them for most of the day, leading into the evening. She said that they fed her, don't recall what they gave her to eat, maybe fruit. It got late & she could hear her Mother, my Grandma, calling her name, looking for her. She told her new friends that she had to go & said her goodbyes to them. My Grandma started to really worry that she wouldn't find her. Then my Mom appeared from out of nowhere & ran to my Grandma, her Mom. She asked her, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you! She told Grandma where she was & who she was with. She then took Mom home immediately! I'm not sure if she ever saw the Duwendes again. That was the only story she told me of them. 😐

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