This related back to my other post, Feeling Voices. I've listened to all of your suggestions to try and contact this spirit that is trying so hard to get my attention. I tried a couple of times before, to verbally and mentally make contact. Since I heard these voices in my head, I thought talking back to them in my head might be suiting. But up until last night I had gotten nothing.
Last night I went to bed after staying up rather late watching TV. As I was lying in bed, I decided to give contact with the spirit another go. I said, "If there's anyone here that wants to speak with me, now is your chance..." Nothing happened for a long moment as I concentrated on trying to hear what the entity was trying to say to me.
All of a sudden, it felt like all of my energy had been completely drained, and pain burst through my head. It frightened me, so I think maybe this made the entity back off for a moment, because I felt some of my energy come back, but then it soon it started back up again. For the moment it felt like the room had dropped a couple of degrees, and then I felt the tingling sensation on the side of my face again.
I could feel something with me in the room, and it frightened me. I don't think the presence here is meaning to do this, because soon after I was very, very calm. Calm enough to go to sleep. It might have been comforting me, somehow. Maybe using the energy it took to comfort me, to make up for the fright it caused?
I'm a believer at heart, but a skeptic by nature. My heart is telling me there is a spirit with me, but my mind is telling me that this was just a nightmare, or the little freak-outs I'm prone to when I see something even vaguely supernatural.
I really am interested as to what you guys think. Is the entity with me becoming stronger, or am just the victim of my over-indulgent imagination?
Also doubtful that they are produced by schizophrenia.
In this case, skepticism--even your own--does'nt seem to work. Sounds like a prankish spirit.
Perhaps you can try ignoring the voices if you don't want them, since paragraphs 3 and 4 of this story indicate that the entity is a step closer to you after your efforts to communicate with it.