This story is pretty mundane compared to Mr. Yummy monster, but still a bit spooky nonetheless. It also involves the same friend!
This story happened about four or five years ago. My friend's boyfriend's cousin was going on holiday for a week and had asked the pair of them to house sit for them. Which lead to us (myself and my b/f) being invited over to spend the night, just the four of us. We basically just sat around, had a few drinks and played oh the Playstation/Gamecube.
Eventually, it got pretty late and my friend and I got fed up sitting with the boys so we just went up the stairs for a blether and to get ready for bed. I can't for the life of me remember what on earth we were gossiping about, but we had just started to complain that the boys were taking far too long to come to bed, because we were both knackered, and I, at least, get fed up when I'm just about to doze off and I end up getting woken up! But anyways, no sooner had we launched our first complaints, we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. We thought "Oh perfect! They've finally decided to make an appearance," so we just went back to nattering away and didn't stop until the footsteps reached the top of the stairs. We just looked at each other and wondered what on Earth they were doing because there wasn't any talking either, and well... my boyfriend loves to talk. So we decided to have a peak out the door and have a nosey.
Turns out (and you've probably guessed it) there was no one there. And this is where the lightsabers come into action: to defend ourselves from the intruder, we grabbed their cousin's kids toy lightsabers and checked the main bedroom, no one... So we crept down the stairs (imagine the Scooby do gang minus a few!) one behind the other until we reached the living room door where the boys were nattering away. So we burst through the door brandishing our lightsabers, which just resulted in them laughing at us, and even more so when we told them we heard footsteps coming up the stairs and since we never saw them we were using them to defend ourselves. They swore that they never went up the stairs at any point, which I believe because the boyfriend always pops in to make sure I'm okay or just to say hello.
But yeah, the night resulted in the pair of them nicking our lightsabers so they could play with them and us going back up the stairs to just go to bed. Even after telling them about the footsteps, they still took forever to come up!
We honestly never thought anything spooky of the footsteps when we heard them because it sounded like proper, quite heavy/tired footsteps, not just like the stairs were creaking. There wasn't an atmosphere or anything, and after it happened it didn't feel 'spooky' then, either. It was just quite random!
Glad you guys liked it though! 😊