So this happened a couple months ago. I was riding the bus to go to school. The bus driver was picking up the kids and when he turned around a curve, I saw a shadow that wasn't on the ground or anything, behind a tree.
At first I thought that some people were probably hiding behind the tree but when we got to the other side of it no one was there. I thought I could have just imagined things but then I saw it again on the road just after 5 minutes later. I don't think I have seen it right because I didn't have my glasses with me but I swear I saw something strangely odd. That was the last time I saw it that day
But then again it shows up the next day in my room at night, while I was going upstairs. I saw a show figure of an old man running across from me with a blink of an eye. I began to get scared so I decided to sleep with the lights on in the living room. Of course my back was hurting the next day and I didn't get that much sleep because I was horrified
From that day on, I can still see it. I don't know what it is. And I don't think I want to know, because I'm afraid to know what it really is. I don't know if it's the shadow that leads us to hell or something that I'm just imagining things I can't explain. Either way, I want it out of my head and my mind.
Good luck