After Miss Abigail's appearance and sudden disappearance in my living room, I did some serious contemplating. It wasn't that I didn't believe such things were possible, it just didn't fit my way of thinking. I always thought that such things were random, you see something, and then go for years before you see something else. Now I would have to reevaluate my whole perspective.
After much contemplation, I came to two conclusions. That what I had seen was real and not my imagination and that my cheese had not slid off my cracker. So I made up my mind to be more aware of the things that went on around me. I wasn't looking for something else to happen; I just wanted to be ready if and when it did.
I guess the next time she made her presence known was shortly after my knee surgery. I was keeping my knee wrapped in an Ace bandage during the day and removing it at night. I kept the bandage on an end table next to my recliner. One morning the wife and I were getting ready for a doctor's appointment and I sat down to wrap my knee, reached for the bandage and it wasn't there. We searched high and low and it couldn't be found, with me insisting that I left it on the table. We both went to the bedroom to look and when we came back in the living room- there it was on the table, right where I left it the night before.
Mrs. Frawin said that it was Abby playing a prank on me. At this time I wasn't totally accepting of her ability but went along with her. She talked to Abby as if she was her own child, explaining to her that her joke wasn't funny and the reason why I had to have the bandage. Needless to say it never went missing again.
I noticed that the more we talked about her, talked to her and called her by name, the more responsive she became. We treated her "like family" and didn't show any fear and she made her self at home. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she's here all the time. What I'm saying is when she does show up, she's no longer shy, she let's you know she's here.
I know, like any female, she doesn't like to be ignored. I remember one night I was writing an email to white buffalo, when I heard her walk up behind me. I ignored her. She then flipped up a tuft of hair on the back of my neck. I, with a smile on my face, ignored her. My desk is always cluttered with papers and she smacked a sheet of paper a good six inches in the air. I then acknowledged her. I told her she could either watch me type or go watch TV. She likes TV and the rest of the evening she was back and forth from the living room to the office, like a typical kid.
If you all want to hear more about Abby's antics let me know. If you don't then I'll tell you about the Old Woman and the Ancient One- two more that I share my home with from time to time.