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Real Ghost Stories

My Nan's Bedroom


I went to my Nan's house this morning because my mum needed to get something from my aunt (her sister). My aunt and I went upstairs to get what my mum needed, but my aunt needed the loo so I waited for her upstairs.

I began to wonder around the spare room, which was full of arts and crafts bits (my aunt is an amazing crafty person) and then I headed into my Nan's bedroom.

The last time that I had been in there was when I had to sleepover at my aunts in my Nan's bed with my cousin. It wasn't a nice experience seeing as it hadn't been that long since my Nan died at the time.

Anyhow, I wandered inside and suddenly got a large feeling of warmth flood through me. It made me smile, even though there really wasn't a lot to smile about! The room was tidy, but there were boxes and bags of stuff that my aunt was clearing out. As I walked around the outside of the bed, I heard the bags make a loud and sudden rustle.

It made me jump but I didn't think a lot of it. I headed over to the window, which was where my Nan would always be whenever I came to see her. She would have her head out of window, looking at all the cats that would wonder around the street. I stuck my head out and then suddenly got a strong whiff of her perfume, which I have now, but never use it as it brings back to many memories.

Then my aunt walked in with a bag full of jewelry which she told me was some of hers and some of my Nan's. She said that if there was anything I wanted I could take it. So I had a look through and discovered a sapphire ring, which I am wearing currently, and I was drawn to it, as it was the same color as her eyes.

We then went downstairs, and I came back up about 20 minutes later needing the loo myself and I felt really weird, like she was there even though I couldn't see her.

Being there today gave me a good sense of security. I believe that she is in that house, watching over her oldest child (my aunt) and anyone else that comes to visit, and it feels really nice.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, laurenemmam, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

laurenemmam (guest)
16 years ago (2008-11-19)
My aunt (who lives in her house) knows that she pops in from time to time because things like the light switches off, or things move that were hers etc. But all that is another story in itself:D
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-08)
Thank you for sharing such a lovely and beautiful experience with us!

I believe your Nan may come by now and again just to look in on you and let you know she loves you and cares. I will pray she is at peace.

God Bless!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-08)
Thank you for sharring this story with us. I realy enjoyed reading it. As other members said before that some things don't have to be scary but can be paranormal. Just like this one. I find these stories much better then the scary ones. Thanks again. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
laurenemmam (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-08)
Hi guys!
Thank you for all the great comments:)
I hope that my nan has moved on, but I like it when she is in the house.
Because it is now just my aunt that lives in that house, she says that her mother (my nan) will make herself known if she is talking about her which I think is cool.
The ring is actually very expensive, but I am no way going to sell it, I will probably hand it down to my kids:)
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-08)
Thanks for sharing a lovely experience with us.

I don't know if your nan is still in the house and I trully hope she has moved but I do believe she has paid a visit and might probably do so in the future to check on her beloved ones.

I liked the fact that not only do you have her ring but you also wear it. What a wonderful way of showing her that she will always be in your heart!
FRAWIN (guest)
16 years ago (2008-08-07)
Hi laurenemmam. This just goes to show that, not all paranormal experiences are frightening- some can be very pleasant. That you for sharing your experience with us. Take Care.

girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-07)
HI, I really liked your story. It was very sweet and nice. Hope to hear from you soon.
GIRLIE 😁 ❤ 😊
TwistedWispersNeko (3 stories) (90 posts)
16 years ago (2008-08-07)
Thats a sweet story. I really enjoyed reading it. She probably misses you all very much.

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