I am very sorry for this story because I'm not a very good story teller, Alright so this all started about a few weeks ago, from today 11th August 2008, so I was going to bed it was about 11:45pm,
Because my parents were having a night out the house was all to my self or so I thought.
So then I headed off upstairs to my room. Then I headed off upstairs to my room.
When I was half way up the stairs my body felt cold and shivery, like something bad was going to happen so I just ignored it and carried on walking up the stairs.
Still I couldn't escape the feeling that something bad was going to happen, because the feeling kept getting stronger and stronger every time I was heading for my room.
I was quite afraid but not terrified. So instead I decided to just go to the bathroom first, just to get my mind off the terror. I was off to the bathroom, and the feeling died down a bit. Not lots but a bit.
So now I was finished and I went to my bedroom, and switched on the light, but for some very strange reason It wouldn't switch on... I ignored it and carried on with what I was doing.
I was getting ready when I kept on seeing shadows everywhere. With weird eyes, I thought it was my imagination, and the feeling came back but it was VERY VERY strong.
Now I was very frightened, and after I saw the Black shaddows I started to see white blobs all around my room, I ran from my room down the stairs, the feeling went away and I stayed downstairs until my parents returned wich was around 2:00 AM. I told them about what I had experienced but they would not believe me!
I have never had an experience like that ever since... But I'm still afraid to go there!
Thank You for reading my story, I hope you can help me with what I have experienced!