My mother owns a home in Mexico. During my vacation stay there, I had just jumped out of the shower and was getting ready to meet my family in the town square. While I was looking into the mirror, combing my hair, I saw a woman with a white night gown and a candle in her hand as if she were behind me.
When I turned around, she was gone. I ran the heck out of there as fast as I could. That night I asked my cousin Lilianne to come spend the night with me because I was scared. She did.
Around midnight when she was fast asleep, I felt someone come sit down next to me. I jumped to her side of the bed and held her all night. It was a very scary experience. During the same stay, that whole week I would hear a baby crying around the same time each evening. I remember thinking to myself, "geez someone stick a bottle in that kids mouth".
One day I saw the neighbor outside and asked her if she hears a baby cry around 7 PM. She said, no. I asked my aunt who lives next door if she heard the same thing, she also said no. There are no homes directly behind my mothers' house and the two neighbors hadn't heard anything.
I thought it weird so I told my grand mother about it. She said that before that house was sold to my mother, the woman who owned it was the town prostitute. It was said around the town that she was pregnant. When she had the baby, she threw it in the well. (They didn't have toilets then, only holes down the ground) The child was heard crying for a couple of days, but no one did anything about it. After that experience, I stayed at my grand mother's house and refused to be at my mother's home alone.
I have a story but I did not write it down
Its freaking out well contact me in girl_dark.evil [at] don't be freaked out from my email its just an email okay seee yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ❤ 😊 😉