I would like to share a "dream" I had one night. I can't remember all of the details, it happened months ago, but it really creeped me out.. yet made me a stronger believer in religious faith. In my dream, I only remember that I was on the computer and about to turn it on. You know how you can see your reflection in the blank monitor? Instead of seeing my own reflection, I saw the face of the devil, like it was trying to take me over. I can't remember much more about the dream, except that the devil was stalking me and I could not escape it. It would not let up on me, and I was becoming very weak to it. Until I used the words "in the name of Jesus Christ, leave me alone" and that was it. What's really crazy is that I have never really heard this expression in real life, because I wasn't really brought up religiously and can count on both hands the number of times I've attended church. It was just very bizarre.
I'm convinced this was an encounter with the devil. I'm not sure what for, though. On the other hand, I think it was an angel or a servant of God or SOMETHING GOOD that came to save me and told me these words to use. I told my mother some of my dream, who was brought up as a roman catholic and is still pretty religious, and she said she has had similar experiences and all I had to do is say "in the name of Jesus Christ, go away". She told me to say this before I even finished the whole story, and before I even told her that I did finally say something to that effect. I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience like this, or if anyone could interpret what mine means?
I would like to note that I am only 18 years of age, I do not do drugs, and I do not drink. I was of completely sound mind when this occurred! Also, about the devil attacking those who are weak, I have always been physically weak, I naturally only weigh 100 pounds and am 5'6" tall.. and I am also emotionally weak, I am a very emotional person and although I'm not diagnosed I think I have depression. I am also a very shy person and have been my whole life.. just thought I would share in case it helps in interpreting my "dream".