I am currently fifteen years old and I have more experiences with ghosts then I care to. I don't understand if there just attracted to me, or I have been seeing and hearing and imagining things since I was eight, and didn't even know what a ghost was, but I'm definitely like a beacon for them or something. I think I have had the same ghost around me since I was four but I'm not sure sometimes. I guess what I came to tell my stories for is to see if anyone thinks it is my ghost or I'm just mentally unstable. I'll start at the beginning with my first encounter I guess.
1) I was like eight years old. I was sitting in one of those huge recliners in our old trailer in the living room. My dad was lying on the couch taking a nap (like always) and my mom wasn't home. I don't know if I was watching cartoons or just sitting there I don't remember. I turned my head sideways because I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye. There was a guy looking at me as he was walking from the hall. He walked into the kitchen and disappeared. He was wearing a red shirt and red shorts and he was blond. After I finished having my panic attack and regained control on my arms and legs I ran over to my dad and woke him up and told him what happened. He actually believed me.
2) I slept with my mom from then on until I was like eleven. I'm a huge scaredy cat and I couldn't sleep in a room alone. But about a year after that I remember waking up and looking up in the middle of the night and I saw the same guy at the edge of the bed praying. The thing is though he looked the same in every way except his clothes were all white this time. I'm not really sure if ghosts can change clothes or it was a different guy with a strong resemblance. Of course I was nine and they could have nothing a like in my head I just remembering thinking its him again.
3) We then changed to a different bedroom because I couldn't deal with it anymore. Nothing happened for about two years until one morning I woke up and at the edge of the bed standing watching me ther was a man a women and two kids. Like a little family. But none were my ghost. They all had dark hair and looked like they were straight out of a movie based in the eighteen hundreds.
4) Ever since then nothing out of place really ever happened. I mean I haven't seen anything that I'm dead sure about. We moved to a new house and everything. Really weird stuff has been happening to me a lot lately and this stuff will take longer to explain because it's so fresh on my mind.
About a month ago I was laying in bed and it felt like someone laid on top of me. I could feel there breathe on my neck and everything but no one was there. It felt like they had a grip on my arm to because at one point my arm got jerked to my side and then the grip eased again but remained noticeable. The very next night the same thing happened. But I didn't really freak out to much because it was comforting somehow. I don't know why but I felt safe.
Right before I fell asleep I felt whatever it was get up and literally walk across my bed. I jerked to see if a cat or something was in my room walking on the bed but nothing was there. I could feel the bed dip as it walked and everything. Of course I went to sleep with my mom (and at fifteen). I was really freaked out at this for some reason. Well my mom sleeps on the couch in the living room because my dad developed some major snoring issues she can't sleep through. I slept on the other end of it from her. In the middle of the night I got shaken awake and felt someone on top of me again. The breathing and everything was back. So was the grip but it was on my hand this time.
5) This was my very last encounter, and it was last night. I sleep with music playing so I can't hear all the bumps and creaks of the night. Before I went to bed I went to my bathroom and this was the first place something happened. I was sitting there, and I have this light up thing on my counter, and it turned on and everything. And it doesn't turn on by the click of a button, there's this little thing you have to spin to turn it on, it's difficult even for me sometimes. But it came on and I yanked the thing out of the wall.
I went to tell my mom and she told me I'd be fine. I went back to bed. I had a dream that my music got turned off and something yanked me out of my bed and I woke up. My music really was off, it was on pause and I was like Oh my goodness! I couldn't move. I prayed nothing was going to start pulling on me. Well nothing did. I felt the same comforting person/thing lay on me once again. And I felt so okay all of a sudden.
Then I thought "man I wish my music was on but there's no way I'm getting up to turn it on". The next thing I know the music is playing once again and I'm like Oh my goodness! Again. Shaking, sweating, terrified. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, once again I was comforted. Even comforted, I was still scared. I ran out to my mom and told her I'm sleeping out there. I slept out there and she went back to my room and unplugged everything. She was trying to prove I was insane (it didn't work). In the middle of the night, around three I woke and I heard the radio being tuned in my room. A song I loved came on and I fell back asleep trying not to think about it. Then I woke up again and it began to be tuned again. Once again it landed on a station I liked.
I was too terrified to tell my mom so I somehow went back to sleep. This mourning when she woke for work she told me to go sleep another hour in my room. And she helped me carry my stuff back there and the radio was on and she was like what the heck and I was like see I'M NOT NUTS. And then here I am wondering what to do.
I mean it doesn't hate me, everything it does is kind of nice and helping, but I'm really jumpy and this stuff kills my days because I wake up so tired and it prevents me from getting good sleep wondering what will happen next. What should I do?
I appologize I have not read previous comments if I repeat myself here. When you describe a man laying on top of you that really fits the description of sleep paralysis. There are many sleep paralysis stories on here. I'm not sure if sleep paralysis is merely a medical problem or a paranormal problem as well. You need to sleep in your bed and not let whatever it is run your life. When you show fear you give it energy. It sounds like what you experienced wasn't really bad at all, but you need to learn to claim your space and learn some form of spiritual protection based on your beliefs. I think this will help a lot with your fear and making anything you don't want around to go away. I wish you the best of luck, and if you are still experiencing problems just do some more research or pray for an answer.
-Sydney ❤ 😊 ❤