I have lived in my home for about 13 years or so now and things weren't always strange here. I've had odd experiences before, but most I just wrote off as my imagination or something. When you're little and people tell you "it's nothing" you believe it.
A friend of mine actually posted one of my stories on here (called The Ghosts and My Kids by scruddud) He got permission to post it here as I always hope that by sharing my stories, others will come forward with theirs. Refer back to that story if you want to get a background story on my home.
Now just recently I've been seeing shadows out of the corner of my eye. All over the house. Never when I look directly where I saw them. It's hard to say I really feel threatened by them since they don't stick around long, but I am a little uneasy.
The biggest problem I have is with my 2 year old daughter. She has her own room and constantly wakes up crying in the middle of the night. She's gotten better since I've started saying "LEAVE HER ALONE" before I put her down for bed, but some nights even that doesn't work. It's not a normal crying that a baby does when they have a bad dream or run out of milk. It's a full on scream. Occasionally she'll just look up towards the ceiling and stare.
We have a cat that has the tendency to stare at the ceiling as well. (not your typical kitty LFPs either. What we call Low Flying Planes because he follows the movement sometimes like hes watching tiny planes!) These... Whatever they are bother him enough to make him stare for sometimes 15 minutes before moving on.
Sorry if this is a little hard to follow lol I just wanted to get one of my stories out here for all to read.