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Real Ghost Stories

Tobacconist Spirit


I don't quite know if this story is as impressive as other stories here but I guess I'm just here to tell my story like the rest of you guys. It started on my first day in work, I worked in a small tobacconists on Church Lane, Belfast. The day started well with the previous owners showing us the ropes as part of the sale agreement with the new owner (my then boss). Around lunchtime I stood in a spot in the store, the store being a very small and dim lit room. Despite it being reasonably warm in the shop I felt an amazing shiver run right through me like I've never felt before, it was intense, but I didn't feel afraid at all, I left the room with a warm feeling inside me and a sense of well-being.

Around 2 hours later I explained what had happened to me to one of the previous owners. As soon as I'd finished my story he said, as calm and as collected as what he had been when I first met him "Oh, that'll be Miss Moran! She hung herself in the shop back in the 50's when she owned it." I was in shock, because I know what I had felt wasn't something that normally happens to you. He later went on to explain that he'd brought a medium in who had sensed a spirit in the room with him and even pointed out that there used to be a basement and that this was the scene for Miss Moran's suicidal demise.

Tobacconist Spirit

About a month later when pulling up the old lino in the back store we came across the hatch leading to the basement. Although I had always felt at ease whenever I sensed Miss Moran I had a little knowledge that opening things that you shouldn't can lead to problems so I left the basement door closed.

I never shared my experiences with anybody at the time (the boss hated me and was never really there and my co-worker was afraid of the idea of having to work with a ghost) I tried talking to her whenever I sensed her near, although I never saw her she always let me know she was there through creaking floorboards or through knocking packets of pipe tobacco etc off the shelves (but not in a mischievous way you must understand)

One day as I worked alone, around 4:45pm (I remember this time as it was the time we cashed up) I heard a weeping, a woman, crying like she'd lost something or someone dear to her. This was about 7 months from when I had started the job so talking out loud to her was normal

But, over her crying, I told her not to be so sad and to think of the good times in her life. I rambled on for a few minutes, not realizing that she'd stopped. After this, I felt a warmness inside me that I doubt I'll ever experience again. I had such a feeling of happiness and love, basically just everything good rolled into one, I was awe-struck.

I left in July of 05 because of problems with my boss but I still miss the experiences that I had shared with Miss Moran.

In my profile I stated that I hadn't experienced any ghostly phenomena, mainly because there is a sense of embarrassment to it all. No one has ever believed me as they're all very skeptical people about ghosts in general but I have my memories. But after reading your stories I felt compelled to tell mine, now that I know I'm at ease with other like-minded individuals.

It's not a spectacular story but I'd hope it could change some people's opinions on ghosts and make them aware that they're not all spooks and ghouls like the movies and TV programmes portray them to be.

What I'd like to know is why she was so warm to me? Did I remind her of someone that she cared for in her lifetime? And why was this the case when I've read so often that if people come to an untimely death (suicide for example) or if they were emotionally unstable (which Miss Moran would have been to have committed suicide) that they are generally unsettling after death.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story, I hope you can express some of your opinions on this.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, gamst, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-28)
Hey gamst, where are ya'?

This is ground control to Major TOM... CAN YOU READ ME...OVER... 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)
That is really wonderful, gamst! It sounds like you did a really good thing for Miss Moran. Too many people underestimate the power of compassion! Warmest regards to you and yours!
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-14)

The picture is crystal clear.
But do you have any idea who that is in the window on the right of the store building?
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-10)
gamst, take a peep at THE CHASE HOUSE by Rook.
Tell me--would you go back and knock another time?
Or would you be 😨?
gamst (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-09)
Well thank you for your kind comments ChrisB, I'm glad that someone else can relate to my story. I too agree that this event changed my perspective on things and I made me realise that there are more to what we see, that not just seeing is believing. I'm much more grateful for the feeling that Miss Moran gave me than what I would have been if she had appeared in front of me, not to say that I wouldn't have been grateful had that happened though.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-09)
Hello Gamst. I have to say that this was one very interesting story. I realy enjoyed reading it. I agree with you that not all spirits are scary. The feelings you described reminded me of my story. It was a sad day because it was my mothers funeral and it was a very cold day. But when she was being put underground there came a bright light. I have never experienced sucha warm feeling. Just something special. That was when basicall I understood that there is something more then this world. Something more special. Thanks again for this great story. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
All points recieved,
All points believed;
All points succeed,
All points agreed. 😁
gamst (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
succubiluv, I totally agree. I think people were actually quite polite to her in the way they put their points across on that blatant fable. People had a right to be angry with her but they composed themselves. I don't think people like that should be allowed to post my friend, they just make a mockery of this entire website.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
Thanks again for your account, and your reply is appreciated gamst.

By the way, your post on IS THERE SOMETHING IN MY ROOM is forthright and well taken.
I felt obliged to add one more of my own; I kept thinking about it while at work.
Just had to say one more piece on that.
gamst (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
succubiluv, thank you, I certainly think so as I felt more positive aftewards. I just hope Miss Moran has since passed over and can finally rest.
If you want to see a picture of the shop just search for "miss Morans" under google images. I've submitted the picture, but not sure if it'll show up here.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
Let me also say that, though I can't vouch for the deceased woman being the spirit that was talked to in this story,
The attempt to communicate was a positive.
succubiluv (1 stories) (365 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
My congrats---you didn't react with fear, which is all too common.
Often, ANYthing supernatural sends folks into 4th gear, if not by feet then by adrenaline.
But that's natural for humans.
Glad you were encouraged to share at last. 😊
gamst (guest)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
Well, thank you for all your kind comments, it's nice to know you guys are supportive having experienced similar situations of your own. I'm a firm believer in embracing those kind of experiences and hopefully one day I'll have the opportunity to help more lonely or uncertain spirits.
Oh, and thanks for the opinions too, they help me understand that little bit more that I think I was missing.
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
I found your story to be wonderful. It was refreshing to read something honest. I'm with rhodes on this one. You brought her some sort of comfort. I think some people get so freaked out or scared, they don't want to actually communicate with a spirit or try to understand it.

I hope you have a great day. Don't ever be embarrassed to share on this forum
JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
Gamst--Your story is perfectly lovely. I can understand not wanting to speak to people of it; it leaves you open to vulgar and crass remarks to sully a fine experience. Miss Moran may not have been unstable, but she took literally the phrase "at the end of her rope." She may have been weeping that she did not know people could be as kind as you.
Since you have never forgotten her, you might pray that God accepts her into the light. One day she may pray for you. Thank you for writing.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-10-07)
Although you initialy claimed that your story was not as 'spectacular' as some others, I personally thought it was amazing! Not all ghost stories have to include terrifying encounters with evil forces and I was glad yours was so down to earth.

I too believe that people who one way or another lost their lives before their time can provoke various negative emotions while occupying some space or manifesting but that doesn't mean that all people who have passed on were unpleasant as personalities. Obviously Miss Moran was a good natured woman who continues to be a good natured energy. Let alone that your own kindness as well as compassion could not have been met with anything than kindness on her part. You have tried comforting her when you heard her crying, respected her enough not poking around her space and reassured her that you could sense her presence whenever she approached you. That was a beautiful thing you did gamst for a woman whose loneliness and despair drove her to take her own life and that is why she 'paid you back' with this feeling of warmth. She reflected on you what YOU made her feel.

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